Publication n° 167
Namaste, Are you doing well? The post here is probably one of the most important I've shared recently. Also one of the most personal, because it 's not only about energy, but also on spirituality. And many of us are, unfortunately, weakened and have lost contact with the spiritual. Considering that energetics has been my profession for 11 years and that it is a field that fascinates me, that I awakened, then engaged in spirituality, relatively recently, from 2019, I am sure that the information here will be helpful. No one should think one is perfect in that matter. Neither should pride oneself to represent the Truth. For my part, I had also experienced, before this awakening and this rebirth, what we could call, in esotericism, a fall and a refusal of incarnation, a depression and a burn out, in 2017-2018, at the following personal incidents and also the consequences of transgenerational trauma, of which I was not yet fully aware. These are situations which are unfortunately widely shared among the population, often unconsciously.
When one understand that transgenerational and karmic disorders spread up to 7 generations, after the initial trauma, in different ways, from one generation and from one person to another, we imagine the number of people concerned. In a country which has experienced several wars, colonization and decolonization, the consequences of the rural exodus, and numerous traumas linked to social and sexist exploitation.
I will therefore do my best to remain as "universal" as possible and focus on our common cognitive and energetic abilities.
I want to share useful and healing Knowledge, not shock or question anyone.
I am in the process of writing down my energy, grounding, channeling and connection protocols and rituals. It takes time, because many have now become automatic for me, and it is easier to show on video, which I have already done, than to explain in writing.
However, the written word is easier to translate and share widely.
Everyone is free, in this phase of awakening and collective revelations, to feel what resonates in them and in them, and to move forward on their path of life, to evolve, at their own pace, on this Path. And to adapt these different rituals, with their own words and their own intuitions.
As always, there is nothing dogmatic or ideological, on the contrary.
The more we speak with faith, personal conviction, authenticity, the more effectively we act.
I have also just updated my section in the spiritual and historical domain, it contains 60 links to articles and PDF books. , who accompanied me in my awakening and spiritual elevation, I invite you to discover them. THANKS
So let's focus on positive Knowledge. As hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon said, in our time, very few humans realize to what extent our real, physical, and even more energetic, psychic, cognitive, epigenetic potential is extraordinary. The only limits are those of our imagination, even partial, those that we set, most often, ourselves, those that we believe we have, those that we have been told that we have, which have nothing to do with the Truth. It must be said that for many centuries, essential information has been hidden or limited to a few initiates. However, as foretold, many prophecies, revelations will take place, when humanity is ready to receive them and needs them most. This period has already begun. Our energetic and cognitive capacities are themselves interconnected with spirituality. When the mind is focused on the positive, when our vibrations are high enough, to free our imagination, to receive the right intuitions and guidance, the changes and realizations are so impressive, that some will speak of "miracles" and will begin to awaken to spirituality in us and around us.
Acceptance of its incarnation, human vibrational physiology, regeneration and radiation of its dissuasive Force and its Light: We only push back, we only gain the upper hand, over the "shadow", through powerful Faith, inner peace, self-confidence, and by displaying our sovereignty, with great dissuasive force and authority. We do this, optimally, by radiating our Light, our sacred energies, with conviction, determination, pride and authenticity. To do this, you must anchor yourself, concentrate your creative mind as best you can, strengthen your ego and solar plexus as much as possible, work and manage your vibrational level as best you can in order to be able to channel and resonate with the highest vibrations, -as much cosmic, telluric, as in our immediate environment-; the best intuitions and guidance. And optimize our own highest vibrations, those of Anahata, the sacred grail of the heart chakra, combined with those of the other chakras and energy networks
Depending on one's beliefs, one can refer to one's ancestors, one's guides, to ascended Masters, Gods, Goddesses... Depending on the name one gives them. We will be able to activate and radiate: -all the Light in us, through our “divine” DNA. The achievement, the gold of the alchemists, to bring out from our inner darkness, buried in the unconscious and amnesia, who we really are. - the Light of universal Knowledge and universal Truth: the Hindu "Satya", the Truth of the Druidesses and Druids. The one that can change even karma. According to Hinduism, we have indeed begun the era of Satya Yuga, that of the revelations of universal truth. As always, according to the universal law of free will, everyone is free to go on this Path, at the pace and in the way they decide, according to their needs and choices. We human beings have so much greater potential for strength than we think, thanks to the vibrations and the energetic potential of our brain, DNA, our cells and energy circuits: meridians, nadis, chakras, kundalini. .. through imagination, creative Intention and Will.
Apparently, the largest "photon magnetic" field, according to Corine Sombrun's expression, in addition to that of the aura, is that of the "sacred grail" of the Anahata heart chakra, which can be several meters long. We are also interconnected with infinite vibrational energy forces everywhere around us. We also house in our body trillions of micro-organisms that are interconnected and interrelated with each other, with us, and which interact with everything around them, constantly, often, unconsciously for us.
As explained, for example, by geobiologist Fréderic Buisson. We also have the possibility of further increasing these vibrations and energies: thanks to walking, trees and plants, solar photons, animals, stones (especially in nature those which contain quartz crystals, such as granite). ), to breathing, to music, to sacred sounds, for example bijas mantras or mantras, to colors, to decoration, to contemplation, to the presence of artistic or spiritual objects,
We certainly go through shocks and turbulence, feel pain, whether psychological or physical. However, this adversity also often, in some way, promotes awakening, and raises issues that need to be resolved. The unconscious acts in this way to help and guide us. Let us also always keep in mind that a record number of humans have chosen to incarnate at this precise moment in the history of humanity to be able to benefit from this quantum and energetic acceleration, to learn and participate in this phase of initiation, of transition, which will lead to collective elevation, more or less quickly, depending on our actions. and choice.
Let us therefore accept our choice of incarnation, help each other and mobilize so that this phase leads to a rapid beneficial outcome. We all have a role to play. Sometimes it is simply to exist, to be, to rediscover and radiate who we really are, to regenerate ourselves, to use our powers, in a constructive way, to go again, on the transcendent Path of spirituality. Let us point out that there is also so much promising, exciting news that most of our media ignore and which should nevertheless make the front pages everywhere, because it is likely to also lead to this new global paradigm. A spiral of awakening and human liberation will accelerate when we understand our identity, our history and human physiology, our potential much more powerful than we believe through our DNA, chakras and kundalini, and our barely used neuronal capacities. ; by the vibratory power of well-managed human emotions, by epigenetic and epimemetic powers, by the beneficial properties of water and vibrational waves, linked to extraordinary human powers. For my part, I continue to make my contribution to the common construction, so that as many humans as possible remain not only balanced, but powerful.
Here I share some examples of free, universal tools and rituals for meditation and guided channeling, grounding, sophrology, prayers, energy protection and stimulation. They are within everyone's reach, and widely used throughout the world, particularly in Asian cultures, among many indigenous peoples, who, unlike us, have preserved their beliefs, spirituality, faith and ancestral knowledge, their traditional medicines. , their connections with Mother Earth and other sister species of life, their energetic and spiritual rituals. They know, as our ancestors also knew, that humans cannot live in a balanced and harmonious way, cut off from their natural roots and primordial knowledge. Everyone can adapt these protocols in their own way and use them to their best advantage. I have tried to present them in the most universal way possible, by not specifying the names of Goddesses and Gods, to which I usually refer, but only by referring to Prana-QI, to golden etheric energy. , to the sun, water, and the sacred energy of Mother Earth, which the ancients called Dragon Energy.
When these energies are combined with our powerful potential of the human emotional energy of the sacred Grail, Anahata, the central chakra of the heart, in authenticity, gratitude, compassion, with a concentrated, imaginative, convinced mind, with enormous potential from the Strength of words, and sacred breaths, we can strengthen ourselves and obtain impressive results. Remained balanced even in external turbulence. The feelings and results will only increase, provided they are practiced with perseverance every day. You must be patient in the first weeks, because the chakras and energy channels initially need to be cleansed, little by little, before increasing in power. Same thing for the cleaning of the pineal gland, the opening-unblocking then the "natural" elevation of kundalini which often takes many months. For my part, every day, I practice around 30 minutes for anchoring, channeling and chakras. And 30 minutes for the 10 sacred Tibetan breaths, the link of which is specified below.
The most important thing is not the name we give to these timeless and universal techniques: prayers, guided meditation, channeling, sophrology, but to welcome this knowledge, and these energies, with open-mindedness, curiosity, and to experiment and persevere every day, at least a few minutes a day, and to share. They can help many humans, at a time when they are in great need, to rediscover their powerful inner Forces and those infinite ones that surround us. “The sleeper must wake up”, we read in the book “Dune”. On the other hand, we must be aware that we have several historic opportunities today, which will facilitate awakening and elevation: the existence of the Internet and the increase in cosmic vibrational energies received in recent years on the whole planet. Dolores Cannon and Don Miguel Ruiz in their book "Beyond Fear" described this process more than 20 years ago.
Another exciting biological phenomenon that should be mentioned is the so-called law of the 100th monkey, a universal natural vibrational process, mentioned in the work of Rupert Sheldrake, Corine Sombrun, Philippe Bobola and Ervin Laszlo on the phenomena of mimicry between living beings, who are interconnected, even remotely, by their subtle bodies, often unconsciously, within "thought forms", "photonic, morphic, akashic fields".
It's not just a spiritual posture.
Our emotions, thoughts, energies, words constantly feed these fields of forms and thought forms and all of humanity, like the earth, are influenced by their vibrational level. It's explained here:
“Vibratory” rituals should be practiced every day if you want to initiate a beneficial spiral of positive energies which will increase your energy and cleanse your interior vibrational circuits and your aura. For my part, this is what I have been doing, every day for 3 years. They allowed me to bounce back after burnout and depression in 2018-2019 and find great power again. The bombardment of fear, with the inflammatory cortisol that goes with it, has been omnipresent for 44 months now, don't let it weaken you any longer. Do not doubt our strengths and assets! Be uncompromising. Stay away from weakening, destructive and manipulative people and potentially impactful energies. Stay as aligned as possible on a daily basis with your convictions. And if necessary, make yourself respected. But as calmly as possible and limit the duration of conflicts as much as possible so as not to lower your vibrations too much. Be convinced that we are much more powerful than we believe...with potential we can barely imagine. Both physical and cognitive.
What if instead of continuing to let ourselves be weakened by emotional shocks, psychic attacks, fears, crises and multiple catastrophes, we relearned, as La Boétie wrote, to say no, with discernment, individually and together, to move forward on a constructive and benevolent, and even exciting, Path.
Let us calm down, affirm ourselves, with confidence, faith and determination, let us strengthen ourselves.
Not only is it possible, but much of the Knowledge and revelations that humanity needs have already been publicly transmitted. It's just that the media cursor is still, for the moment, placed on the exact opposite.
It's up to us to choose, to put forward, to move forward, to operate, in the right direction.
Over the last twenty years, two major revolutions for human well-being and harmony have been or are for the moment largely ignored and obscured: epigenetics and recent historic results in quantum physics from the team of researcher Nassim Haramein, who moved from California, recently to Savoie and French-speaking Switzerland. The potential implications would be major for humanity: production of free energy, transport, health, ecology...
1°) First prayer of gratitude, blessing and connection to the guides and their energies: 4 min. In the entrance of my house, I have a statue of Shiva Nataraja and several photos of goddesses, this is where I begin my daily ritual, by bowing slightly, as a sign of respect, and "Namaste". But, all this can be adapted according to your beliefs, obviously. Spiritual Faith brings additional strength, but everyone is free to manifest it or not, in their own way, it may be, also in honor of your ancestors, of your guides, in honor of Life, of the sun and of Mother Earth, in honor of what the coming day will bring you, in terms of fruitful encounters and actions... The main thing here is to express a strong Intention, to take the time, for a few minutes, with respect, to concentrate your mind and your Attention, to anchor, connect and channel the etheric, subtle Energies, " sacred" around you, what the Indians call "Prana", in Ayurveda, the Chinese call "QI", in M.T.C. Traditional Chinese Medicine. We can also do it with what we call the Sacred Energy of the Dragon, for the energy of the “Great YIN” of Mother Earth. The ancient Greeks called it "Gaia", The Sumerians-Babylonians: "KI", hence the name "EN-KI", the prince of the Earth, in the tradition of the Annunakis.
Gratitude has one of the highest vibrations of all emotions, just below love and compassion. As Masaru Emoto showed in his experiments. The golden color is the one with the highest vibrational level. Just the act of imagining it, visualizing it and circulating it within us, or creating balls of golden Light in specific locations, increases the energy level. The color silver also has a very high vibration. According to traditions, they are associated with the force of words, the 5th throat chakra, or telluric energy. For my part, it is this last choice that I made, and I associate it with the energy of the dragon of Mother Earth. For the symbolism of colors, particularly in relation to the chakras, I invite you to discover this complete file on Feng Shui-Loshu:
“Namaste (the Light in me greets the Light in you) Glory and gratitude to the almighty Mother Earth, Glory and gratitude to my all powerful Guides, Glory and gratitude to my all powerful Ascended Masters, (to the all powerful Goddesses and Gods...) I, XXXX, here and now, greet you with respect and humility, Thank you for your protection and blessing, from my hands and me, to be a pure channel for your sacred energies, I invoke, here and now, with gratitude, your sacred energies, in me and around me, Thank you for your permission to connect and channel your sacred cosmo-telluric energies. Thank you for your sacred energies, which increase my vibrational, energetic and magnetic level. Thank you for your sacred energies, which come, at every moment, to cleanse me of everything that is negative, everything that is impactful, everything that is weakening, everything that pollutes and traumatic, whether conscious or unconscious. . Thank you for your sacred energies, which come, every day, here and now, to fill my 3 energetic protection shields of the aura, the Ka (astral body) and the shield around my apartment. Thank you for these sacred energies, which come to cleanse, align, fill, and stimulate, all the components of my physical and subtle bodies, all my chakras in all their extensions, my mind, my soul, my pineal gland, my kundalini. Thank you for these sacred energies which come to carry out constructive epigenetics in me by activating all the cells of my DNA which strengthen me and by deactivating all the cells of my DNA which weaken me.
That with each step on Earth, with each shower, with each sip of water, I absorb and radiate, within myself and around me, the energies of the Dragon of Mother Earth! That with each ray of light, I absorb and radiate, in myself and around me, the sacred solar energies (of Amon)! That with each thought, with each breath, I feel, I absorb and I radiate, within me and around me, the sacred golden Prana of my guides. Thanks thanks thanks So be it, so be it, so be it. It’s accomplished, it’s accomplished, it’s accomplished.” ++++++++ Traditionally, the fact of repeating words, phrases or rituals three times is a sacred Trinity, which gives power. Even if there are other sacred numbers: 4 the number of “Shiva”, which also corresponds to the 4 cardinal points, in particular. 5 for the 5 elements of TCM, with the Quintessence or Ether as the 5th element. 7 and 9 are other sacred numbers, as is also 108, in Hinduism.
2°) Ritual of blessing, purification and stimulation of the living space: 3min. After the first prayer, I perform a first quick connection to Prana and a quick ritual of blessing, purification, and energetic stimulation of my living space: ++++++++ I imagine and visualize the golden Prana around me. I raise both arms upwards, palms facing up. I take a deep breath, I hold my breath for 7 seconds, and at the same time I visualize that Prana, a flow of golden particles, is approaching me. Then as I exhale, I visualize that the golden flow is absorbed inside me, then circulates within me, in all parts of my body. You can repeat this connection 3, 4 or 7 times Then I raise my hands, I rub them quickly, while inhaling deeply, visualizing the Prana coming closer, for a few seconds, to capture the energies, and I visualize a ball of golden energy forming around my hands. Grow gradually. Then I send it, and visualize it, throughout my apartment, spinning and scattering golden particles. You can also repeat this ritual if you want.
Then, I cleanse, bless and stimulate the vibrations at home, using two techniques: * by sound by a recording of sacred Tibetan cymbals. The Tingsha. Failing to have real ones, for the moment. By going around my house, as I do, at the start of the services. https://youtu.be/-Vy72TKJWcc?si=inO_XpEKY5zbm44E I had been convinced by a healer Véronique Kerdranvat who recommended this technique. * By the sacred smoke of palo santo. A wood used in particular by Shamans in South America. There too, I go through all the rooms, feeling Gratitude, thanking the smoke of the palo santo for coming to bless, purify, and vibrate and promote good energies in my home, good connections with my Guides and "Ascended Masters". ++++++++ 3°) Prayer and anchoring ritual, installation of the three sacred energy cords 3 min.
In order for anchoring to be optimal, this requires, again, as always, a concentration of the strength of the “positive” mind:
- that of concentrated attention
- the strength of the “Strong Intention” of wanting to anchor oneself, which can be expressed through speech or thought.
- and the strength of visualization: in this case here, by visualizing the "contact" areas of the body, those of the feet for telluric energy (starting area of the root chakra "Muladhara") and the top of the skull ( crown chakra "Sahasrara"), for cosmic energies
I bow again with respect to my guides and ascended masters whom I quickly greet:
"glory and gratitude to my all-powerful Guides and ascended masters, (to the all-powerful goddesses and Gods),
"Here and now, I XXX, I put my attention on the left foot,
I put my attention on the left toes and I will count them, 1,2,3,4,5,
I put my attention on the left heel,
I visualize the imprint that I leave on the ground with my left foot,
I visualize and feel under the foot, small gold and silver buds which begin to grow, transform into gold and silver filaments, which intertwine and create a sacred cord, which starts from my arch, lengthens more and more more, and sinks further and further, into the ground, into Mother Earth, in contact with its sacred Dragon Energies"
Visualize a shiny silver mass in the Earth and the cord connecting you to it. "I put my attention on the right foot, I put my attention on the right toes and I will count them, 1,2,3,4,5, I put my attention on the right heel, I visualize the imprint that I leave on the ground with my right foot, I visualize and feel under the foot, small gold and silver buds which begin to grow, transform into gold and silver filaments, which intertwine and create a sacred cord, which starts from my arch, lengthens more and more more, and sinks further and further, into the ground, into Mother Earth, in contact with its sacred Dragon Energies" Visualize again, a shiny silver mass in the Earth and a second cord connecting you to it. “I put my attention on the top of my skull, on “sahasrara”, my crown chakra, I visualize small gold and silver buds which begin to grow, transform into gold and silver filaments, intertwine and create a sacred cord, which starts from my head, rises higher and higher, towards the Sun, of heaven, and of the sacred golden Prana" Visualize, above you, golden particles and that the cord connects you to them.
"Glory and gratitude to the almighty Mother Earth: All my needs are met, Thank you for absorbing my negative energies, with every step on earth, Thank you for your interventions in my daily life, so that I manifest all the abundance that I need, thank you for the daily food, thank you for the security and confidence. " 4°) Alignment of the chakras 1 min. A few reminders, first of all, from what I have understood and practiced over the last few years: -Energy generally flows counterclockwise, like that of the earth and the sun, from east to west. -The chakras, seen from above, have a cross structure, with 4 extensions and a "central" channel, along the spine, at the back, where the kundalini rises, winding, and through which, brings energy into the body. It then comes out through the front of the body. - At each extension, there is a pyramid shape, which rotates at very high speed, hence the appearance of a wheel and ball of light, called "chakra", which absorbs and transforms energies, radiating them around them . -The energy, in the central channel, rises, up to the heart, for the 4 lower chakras. Telluric energy rises through the root chakra, which begins with the feet, the legs, up to the perineum-coccyx, then diffuses to the other chakras, upwards. -While cosmic energy enters through the top of the skull, and diffuses downwards, in the central channel, up to the heart, for the 3 main chakras at the top.
-Energy enters each chakra, through their rear extension, in the back, along the spine. About the "subtle" bodies, chakras, aura, ka (astral body), auric shell, meridians, nadis, kundalini, I recommend this book by Serge Reiver Nazare, which is very well done and complete:in french http://www.reiver.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/LeLivreDeLaConnaissance-ConstitutionSubtileDeLEtreHumain.pdf
Before making a first channeling of cosmo-telluric energy, you must first align the extensions of the chakras, visualize that you are rotating the tip of each of their pyramidal structure, at each of the 4 extensions of each chakra , towards the inside of the body, so that the energy circulates in the right direction and remains within itself in an optimal way, instead of going in all directions, and coming out of the body. Likewise, we will visualize the energy going up, to the heart, for the 4 lower chakras, and going down for the 3 upper chakras. 5°) first channeling of telluric energy: 1min. This is what I do, standing, legs slightly apart, palms facing the ground, taking a deep breath, then remaining in apnea, for a few seconds, reciting an internal mantra "AOUM KI NAMAH", while honor of the sacred telluric energies, which I invoke within myself, "on the material plane", signified by the word "Namah", the spiritual plane, being signified by the word "Svaha". . While visualizing, that I absorb, at the same time, a flow of silver energy, which goes up through my legs, to the perineum, Then I visualize that I shift, quickly, towards the interior of the body, each of the 4 extensions of the root chakra "Muladhara", while internally reciting the bija mantra, the sacred sound of the root chakra "LAOUM" and that the energy then rises up along the column in the central channel, towards the sacred chakra "svadhisthana". Tilting the extensions inwards, internally reciting the bija mantra “VAOUM” then rising towards “manipura” the solar plexus chakra; Same thing, rapid tilting of the extensions inwards, reciting the bija mantra "RAOUM" then ascending towards "Anahata", the heart chakra, called the "Sacred Grail", because the telluric and cosmic energies come together there . And there, again, I visualize that I am quickly tilting each of the pyramidal extensions towards the inside of the body, internally reciting the mantra “YAOUM”.
And as I exhale, I visualize that I am radiating these telluric energies everywhere within me and around me, with the intention of sending them to those who need them.
6°) first channeling of cosmic energy: 1min
Same principle as before, except that standing, legs slightly apart, this time, we raise our arms towards the sky. Arms outstretched, palms facing the sky.
We visualize the golden Prana around us, and we take a deep breath.
While remaining, in apnea, first of all, we visualize that a flow of golden prana enters through "Sahasrara", the crown chakra, through the upper body, into the head, while reciting the bija mantra "MAOUM" .
Then, the golden flow descends along the column, towards the 3rd eye chakra "AJNA", and again, we visualize that we are tilting each of the pyramidal extensions of the chakras towards the interior of the body, in reciting the bija mantra AOUM", then the golden flow descends along the column towards "VISHUDDHA", the throat chakra.
Again, tilt the extensions inward, internally reciting the mantra, “HUMM”.
Once again, the flow continues to descend towards the heart chakra, “ANAHATA” and we repeat the protocol, internally reciting “YAOUM”. As always, we visualize the flow circulating, counterclockwise, inside the chakra, tilting each of the extensions inwards.
When exhaling, we radiate and send the flow of golden prana, with Gratitude, to the attention of Mother Earth.
7° Prayer and ritual for the Muladhara root chakra: 2min.
Prayer to Mother Earth.
Once the chakras and extensions are aligned and in the right direction, I proceed with the rituals and prayers for each of the chakras.
While rubbing my two hands, to connect to the “Golden Prana”,
I first say the prayer:
"May the powerful gold and red energy, here and now,
be felt, absorbed, radiated, everywhere in me, and around me,
in my physical body and my subtle bodies, in my aura, in my “ka” (astral warrior body),
in my mind and in my soul, in my pineal gland and my kundalini,
in all my chakras, in all their extensions, including my Muladhara root chakra and its 4 extensions.
Glory and gratitude to the Almighty Mother Earth,
thank you for absorbing my negative energies,
thank you for the daily food, thank you for the trust, thank you for the safety,
all my needs are met.
I AM a child of Mother Earth and the Sun, nothing impactful can reach me, (repeat 3 times)
Whatever happens, whatever I do, whatever happens around me, I am and remain sovereign in my inner kingdom,
I am and feel protected, and in inner peace!
thanks thanks thanks
So be it (repeat 3 times)
It's done (repeat 3 times).
There are then 2 stages of channeling
First of all, we take a deep and long breath, we visualize, while we continue rubbing the hands, that a ball of golden energy, if we can get there, gold with red reflections, grows to the level with his hands.
In apnea, we place the left hand on the pubis, and the right hand, on the lower back, we hold the breath for 7 seconds, then on exhalation, we visualize that we are sending the ball of golden energy, from behind, through the right hand, across the body, towards the other hand, to stimulate the root chakra.
By reciting, internally or out loud, the bija mantra which stimulates, Muladhara: “LAAAOOUUUMMM”.
We can repeat 3 times.
Then, standing, arms up, palms up, we visualize a cloud of golden energy above us. We take a long, deep breath, then we remain in apnea.
We place the left hand, palm upwards, towards the cloud of golden prana, and the right hand, on the perineum, in front, between the legs.
And according to the protocol that I learned, we then visualize that we absorb the golden prana, through our left hand, that it circulates, through us, to the right hand, and that we direct it , towards the root chakra. By reciting, internally or out loud, the bija mantra which stimulates, Muladhara: “LAAAOOUUUMMM”.
The ritual can be repeated 3 more times, changing the position of the right hand, on each of the 4 sides and extensions of the root chakra.
8° Prayer and ritual for the sacred chakra “Svadhishthana”: 2min.
While rubbing my two hands, to connect to the “Golden Prana”,
I first say the prayer:
"May the powerful gold and orange energy, here and now,
be felt, absorbed, radiated, everywhere in me, and around me,
in my physical body and my subtle bodies, in my aura, in my “ka” (astral warrior body),
in my mind and in my soul, in my pineal gland and my kundalini,
in all my chakras, in all their extensions, including my sacred Svadhishthana chakra and its 4 extensions.
All my desires are fulfilled.
I have creativity in me, I am in harmony with who I am, I manage my emotions.
ME, XXX, here and now, I feel, at every moment, I integrate and radiate, everywhere within me and around me, the sacred prana of my guides (repeat 3 times).
thanks thanks thanks
So be it (repeat 3 times)
It's done (repeat 3 times).
There are then 2 stages of channeling.
First of all, we take a deep and long breath, we visualize, while we continue rubbing the hands, that a ball of golden energy, if we can get there, gold with orange reflections, grows to the level with his hands.
In apnea, place the left hand, just 2 finger widths below the navel, and the right hand, at equivalent height, at the level of the kidneys. We hold the breath for 7 seconds, then on exhalation, we visualize that we send the ball of golden energy, from the back, through the right hand, through the body, towards the other hand, to stimulate the sacral chakra.
By reciting, internally or out loud, the bija mantra which stimulates, Svadhishthana: “VAAAOOUUUMMM”.
We can repeat 3 times.
Then, standing, arms up, palms up, we visualize a cloud of golden energy above us. We take a long, deep breath, then we remain in apnea.
We place the left hand, palm upwards, towards the cloud of golden prana, and the right hand, at the level of the kidneys.
And according to the protocol that I learned, we then visualize that we absorb the golden prana, through our left hand, that it circulates, through us, to the right hand, and that we direct it , towards the sacral chakra. By reciting, internally or out loud, the stimulating bija mantra, Svadhishthana: “VAAAOOUUUMMM”.
The ritual can be repeated 3 more times, changing the position of the right hand, on each of the 4 sides and extensions of the sacral chakra.
9° Prayer and ritual for the sacred chakra “MANIPURA”: 2min. While rubbing my two hands, to connect to the “Golden Prana”, I first say the prayer: "May the powerful gold and yellow energy of the sun, here and now, be felt, absorbed, radiated, everywhere in me, and around me, in my physical body and my subtle bodies, in my aura, in my “ka” (astral warrior body), in my mind and in my soul, in my pineal gland and my kundalini, in all my chakras, in all their extensions, including my solar chakra MANIPURA and its 4 extensions. I am a solar being, I am a luminous being, I am in harmony with the benevolent beings around me and I do the best with others. I want, I do! (repeat 3 times). thanks thanks thanks So be it (3 times) It is accomplished (3 times).
There are then 2 stages of pipes.
First of all, we take a deep and long breath, we visualize, while we continue the friction of the hands, that a ball of golden energy, if we get there, gold with golden yellow reflections, grows in his hands.
In apnea, place the left hand, a hand's width apart, above the navel, and the right hand, at an equivalent height, in the middle of the back.
We hold the breath for 7 seconds, then on exhalation, we visualize that we send the ball of golden energy, from the back, through the right hand, through the body, towards the other hand, to stimulate the solar chakra.
By reciting, internally or out loud, the bija mantra which stimulates, Manipura: “RAAAOOUUUMMM”. Also linked to the powerful primordial God Amon Ra.
We can repeat 3 times.
Then, standing, arms up, palms up, we visualize a cloud of golden energy above us. We take a long, deep breath, then we remain in apnea.
We place the left hand, palm upwards, towards the cloud of golden prana, and the right hand, in the middle of the back.
And according to the protocol that I learned, we then visualize that we absorb the golden prana, through our left hand, that it circulates, through us, to the right hand, and that we direct it , towards the solar chakra. By reciting, internally or out loud, the bija mantra which stimulates, Manipura: “RAAAOOUUUMMM”.
The ritual can be repeated 3 more times, changing the position of the right hand, on each of the 4 sides and extensions of the solar chakra.
in the middle of the back.
10° Prayer and ritual for the sacred chakra "ANAHATA: 2min. While rubbing my two hands, to connect to the “Golden Prana”, I first say the prayer: "May the powerful energies of gold and emerald green, red and pink, here and now, are felt, absorbed, radiated, everywhere in me, and around me, in my physical body and my subtle bodies, in my aura, in my “ka” (astral warrior body), in my mind and in my soul, in my pineal gland and my kundalini, in all my chakras, in all their extensions, including my ANAHATA heart chakra and its 4 extensions. I balance giving and receiving (repeat 3 times) I love and I love myself (repeat 3 times) thanks thanks thanks So be it (3 times) It is accomplished (3 times). There are then 2 stages of channeling: . First of all, we take a deep and long breath, we visualize, while we continue the friction of the hands, that a ball of golden energy, if we succeed, gold with emerald green reflections, grows in size. level of his hands. In apnea, place the left hand on the chest, and the right hand, at equivalent height, between the shoulder blades. We hold the breath for 7 seconds, then on exhalation, we visualize that we send the ball of golden energy, from the back, through the right hand, through the body, towards the other hand, to stimulate the heart chakra. . By reciting, internally or out loud, the bija mantra which stimulates, ANAHATA: “YAAAOOUUUMMM”. We can repeat 3 times.
Then, standing, arms up, palms up, we visualize a cloud of golden energy above us. We take a long, deep breath, then we remain in apnea. We place the left hand, palm upwards, towards the cloud of golden prana, and the right hand, between the shoulder blades. And according to the protocol that I learned, we then visualize that we absorb the golden prana, through our left hand, that it circulates, through us, to the right hand, and that we direct it , towards the heart chakra. . By reciting, internally or out loud, the stimulating bija mantra, ANAHATA: “YAAAOOUUUMMM”. The ritual can be repeated 3 more times, changing the position of the right hand, on each of the 4 sides and extensions of the heart chakra. 11° Prayer and ritual for the throat chakra “VISHUDDHA”: 2min.
While rubbing my two hands, to connect to the “Golden Prana”,
I first say the prayer:
"May the powerful energies of gold and royal blue, gold and turquoise, here and now,
are felt, absorbed, radiated, everywhere in me, and around me,
in my physical body and my subtle bodies, in my aura, in my “ka” (astral warrior body),
in my mind and in my soul, in my pineal gland and my kundalini,
in all my chakras, in all their extensions, including my throat chakra VISHUDDHA and its 4 extensions.
I, XXX, here and now, I speak and express myself in alignment with my guides (repeat 3 times)
Glory and gratitude to my almighty guides and ascended masters,
I authorize you and ask you to speak, through me, what should I say and to whom, as a priority?
thanks for the connection to the akashic records
thanks thanks thanks
So be it (3 times)
It is accomplished (3 times).
While rubbing my two hands, to connect to the “Golden Prana”,
I first say the prayer:
"May the powerful energies of gold and royal blue, gold and turquoise, here and now,
are felt, absorbed, radiated, everywhere in me, and around me,
in my physical body and my subtle bodies, in my aura, in my “ka” (astral warrior body),
in my mind and in my soul, in my pineal gland and my kundalini,
in all my chakras, in all their extensions, including my throat chakra VISHUDDHA and its 4 extensions.
I, XXX, here and now, I speak and express myself in alignment with my guides (repeat 3 times)
Glory and gratitude to my almighty guides and ascended masters,
I authorize you and ask you to speak, through me, what should I say and to whom, as a priority?
thanks for the connection to the akashic records
thanks thanks thanks
So be it (3 times)
It is accomplished (3 times).
12° Prayer and ritual for the 3° Eye chakra “AJNA”: 2min.
While rubbing my two hands, to connect to the “Golden Prana”,
I first say the prayer:
"May the powerful energies of gold and indigo, gold and magenta, here and now,
are felt, absorbed, radiated, everywhere in me, and around me,
in my physical body and my subtle bodies, in my aura, in my “ka” (astral warrior body),
in my mind and in my soul, in my pineal gland and my kundalini,
in all my chakras, in all their extensions, including my 3rd eye chakra AJNA and its 4 extensions.
I, XXX, here and now, I see and perceive, at best, the messages of my guides and I manifest them (repeat 3 times)
Glory and gratitude to my almighty guides and ascended masters,
I authorize you and ask you to intervene in my daily life, here and now,
as often as necessary, to accelerate my evolution, my vibrational, energetic, spiritual and professional elevation; to guide me, accompany me, towards the best version of myself, towards the actions, the words, the thoughts, the highest, the most aligned, in relation to you, to the interests of humans and to mine.
Thank you for the signs you send me, thank you for the intuition, for the clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience that I manifest, a little more every day.
thanks thanks thanks
So be it (3 times)
It is accomplished (3 times).
There are then 2 stages of channeling.
First of all, we take a deep and long breath, we visualize, while we continue rubbing the hands, that a ball of golden energy, if we can get there, gold with purple reflections, grows to the level with his hands.
In apnea, place the left hand, between the eyebrows, and the right hand, at equivalent height, a little above the neck
We hold the breath for 7 seconds, then on exhalation, we visualize that we send the ball of golden energy, from the back, through the right hand, through the head, towards the other hand, to stimulate the AJNA chakra. .
By reciting, internally or out loud, the bija mantra which stimulates, AJNA
“AUM”. This is the best known of all the bija mantras.
We can repeat 3 times.
Then, standing, arms up, palms up, we visualize a cloud of golden energy above us. We take a long, deep breath, then we remain in apnea. We place the left hand, palm upwards, towards the cloud of golden prana, and the right hand, a little above the neck And according to the protocol that I learned, we then visualize that we absorb the golden prana, through our left hand, that it circulates, through us, to the right hand, and that we direct it , towards the right hand, across the nape of the neck. . By reciting, internally or out loud, the bija mantra which stimulates, AJNA “AOUM” You can repeat the ritual 3 more times, changing the position of the right hand, on each of the 4 sides of the head, emphasizing the 3rd eye, on the forehead, and also visualizing the pineal gland, which is in the center of the head, a little back, behind the eyes. The front extension of the 3rd eye is an extremely important area, because it corresponds, in addition to the place which is connected to the pineal gland, but also to the prefrontal cortex, which is essential for reflection and discernment. Because of stress and fears, the brain circuits are often very weakened and need to be re-irrigated with as much positive energy as possible.
13° Prayer and ritual for the coronal chakra "sahasrara3: 1min.
While rubbing my two hands, to connect to the “Golden Prana”,
I first say the prayer:
"May the powerful golden energies, here and now,
are felt, absorbed, radiated, everywhere in me, and around me,
in my physical body and my subtle bodies, in my aura, in my “ka” (astral warrior body),
in my mind and in my soul, in my pineal gland and my kundalini,
in all my chakras, in all their extensions, including my SAHASRARA chakra
Me, XXX, here and now, I understand, as best as possible, the messages of my guides and I manifest them (repeat 3 times)
thanks thanks thanks
So be it (3 times)
It is accomplished (3 times).
There are then 2 stages of pipes.
First of all, take a deep, long breath and visualize, while continuing to rub your hands, that a ball of golden energy is growing at the level of your hands.
In apnea, we hold the breath for 7 seconds, then on exhalation, we visualize that we are sucking in the ball of golden energy, from the top of the skull, to stimulate the SAHASRARA chakra. . By reciting, internally or out loud, the bija mantra which stimulates this chakra “MAOUM”. We can repeat 3 times. Then, standing, arms up, palms up, we visualize a cloud of golden energy above us. We take a long, deep breath, then we remain in apnea. We place the left hand, palm upwards, towards the cloud of golden prana, and the right hand, on the top of the skull And according to the protocol that I learned, we then visualize that we absorb the golden prana, through our left hand, that it circulates, through us, to the right hand, and that we direct it , towards the right hand, through the skull, that it spreads throughout the body. By reciting, internally or out loud, the stimulating bija mantra, SAHASRARA “MAOUM” The ritual can be repeated 3 more times. 14° Ritual in case of pain:
This is another extremely powerful protocol that uses our interconnections with Mother earth in another way.
First of all, rub your hands very quickly and strongly for a few seconds, until you feel a feeling of warmth.
We then place the left hand, palm on the painful area, and we extend the right hand, palm towards the Earth.
By respectfully asking him to kindly absorb and transmute the pain or negative energy.
We visualize this pain as a flow of grayish light, sucked in by the left hand, which will circulate through the body, as through a pipe, to prevent it from spreading to the rest of the body, up to the right hand. , then the flow will be sent and sucked by the Earth.
This ritual can be repeated several times, 3 or 7 for example.
Subsequently, we will use the previous protocol of stimulation with Golden Light.
In order to replace negative energies in the area that was painful with golden Light.
This time the left hand will be raised, palm upwards, and we will visualize that we are absorbing the golden prana, through the left hand, that it will pass through us, to the right hand, with which we will send to the area where there was pain. And we will fill the entire area with Light and golden flames. In this case too, we will repeat the operation 3 or 7 times.
Finally, to finish rebalancing the energy, we will thank and after having rubbed our two hands energetically and created a ball of golden energy, we will visualize this Energy as a golden paw, which we would spread without touching the skin, everywhere on the old painful area.
15°Protection ritual in the event of psychic attack or severe pain. Cleansing and stimulating the aura
In the name of Universal Truth,
(which was so dear to the Druidesses and Druids of yesteryear, what the Hindus still call Satya)
I order all possible negative energies to leave my body and my surroundings; you will not pass and impact me! Go!
“At every moment, I XXX, here and now, I breathe and am always filled with a powerful Gold Energy of Strength, healing, balance, protection, and perfect Health, throughout my physical body, my aura, my astral body!
“I’m constantly regenerating!” “
Infinite gratitude for the sacred water, and the golden Energy which cleanses me deeply of all the negative, instantly, and automatically every day..."
Visualize the golden Energy around you. What in Ayurveda we call Prana, in M.T.C. IQ.
See it getting closer with each breath. And as you exhale, see it being sucked into your body. Then circulate throughout you and around you. Like a golden flame enveloping with heat…
Golden Light has the highest vibration. With the color silver, red, etc.
“Me XXXX, here, and now, my aura and my astral body are living suns, energetic shields, indestructible, which are constantly filled and radiating, with the golden Light of my guides”
“With each thought, the benevolent Energy of my Golden Light guides soothes me”
“With each of my movements, the negative is dissolved”
“Golden Energy flows fluidly throughout me”
“I am in the golden Light of Divine Love, and I radiate it, for those who need it“
“Me XXXX, here and now, at every moment, I feel, I absorb, and I radiate the sacred prana, the sacred energies of my guides, the sacred cosmo-telluric energies, everywhere, in my physical body and my subtle bodies, my aura, my astral body, my pineal gland, my mind, my soul, my chakras in all their extensions…. »
“Here and now, me, XXXX these powerful sacred energies cleanse me of everything that is negative, polluting, traumatic, impactful, whether conscious or unconscious,”
“These powerful sacred energies come, here and now, to increase my vibration level, my energy level, to cleanse and stimulate all the components of my physical and subtle bodies, my pineal gland and my 3rd eye,”
thanks thanks thanks
So be it, so be it, so be it,
It’s accomplished, it’s accomplished, it’s accomplished”
There are other simple, extremely powerful protocols that I recommend:
Olivier Clamaron F-75011 PARIS -FRANCE
TEL (+33)613992283
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Presentation page in english of my site with approx. 80 links . My site is bilingual
For those who want to support my work of sharing, i've created an account on Tipeee. Each amount will be appreciated, even modest.
thanks. It has the advantage to recap all my most important posts and links shared in the last 2 years in french and english in wellness,
detox, healing, selfcare.
For you 170 posts on my blog, a third in english
Tik Tok and youtube channels with some videos in english
You are welcome at my home i offer here 13 services of wellness and chinese energetics
To know me better
Home- Feng Shui
You will find, on the site, a file with some homeopathic shares, 2 files on food supplements, and 9 files on around 300 medicinal plants.
Some are extremely powerful, such as pure organic cocoa, green tea, apple cider vinegar, mugwort, turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginger, acerola, magnesium chloride, natural organic unrefined salt. , which are part of my daily protocols. As always, everyone is free to experiment and find what suits them best.:
Pharmacopée Aa-al
Lettres B-D
Lettres E-L
Lettres M-Q
Lettres R-Z
Thank you for this image, example of a representation of the sacred Keltic tree. Unknown author. THANKS Namaste Satnam
