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Planes & dimensions, chakras of KI-GAIA by Serge Reiver Nazare

Photo du rédacteur: Olivier ClamaronOlivier Clamaron


I have the greatest respect and admiration for Serge-Reiver Nazare, his research work in many fields; of mediumistic connections to “Akashic” knowledge which he then shared, with great generosity, in numerous books of revelations, almost twenty years ago.

It is essential that this work be preserved, shared and disseminated, in this period of historical revelations for humanity.

Because it allows us to understand in particular esoteric geography and history, occult geopolitics and how certain dark energies intervene in the material plane to have a controlling influence and slow down human evolution and elevation.

This is particularly true in this article for Xinjiang which is cited as the center of the new civilization, but it is not the only example. Far from it unfortunately. It can be seen that many of Gaia's energy centers and points are apparently being targeted.

However, this book also puts us back on the path of our ancestors and their knowledge to connect and establish themselves for their villages and sanctuaries according to the powerful cosmo-telluric zones. And we also understand the importance of certain countries and certain high places that are still active or to be reactivated for current humanity. Including the place of France, the British Isles, the Alps, Scandinavia and Greenland, Polynesia, to which we have been closely linked in history.

No one can be sure today that they have the truth, but each revelation brings us closer to it.

In this post I will share some information from his 2007 book:

“Gaia, the Consciousness of the Earth”. Note that Gaia is a Greek name. The Sumerians spoke of "KI".

"Introduction :

The Earth is therefore a telluric planet, with a co-existence of liquid and solid elements on the surface. Its equatorial diameter is 12,750 km. Its rotation period is 23.9 hours. Its period of revolution around the Sun is 365 days 6 hours. And its orbital speed is 29.8 km per second. Its orbit is eccentric. The Earth's axis is tilted in its orbit and this tilt varies with a periodicity of 41,000 years. Currently, it is 23° 26'.

The Earth receives photons from the Sun during the day and neutrinos at night. It thus receives 1,400 W/m2 of solar energy. The oceans cover 71% of its surface, for 97% of the planet's water volume. 3/4 of the remaining 3% is trapped in the form of ice, the rest being in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor. The oceans store and transform enormous amounts of heat, also control the oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle, and exchange heat with the atmosphere.

Ocean depths reach 3,000 meters, with trenches reaching -10,000 m.

Erosion due to water is 8 to 9 mm per century.

The interior of the planet is very active and there is a translational movement of rigid continental plates (thickness varying from 30 km to 70 km), which slide on softer bedrock. This movement, of a few cm per year, is called "plate tectonic movement", and it has greatly changed the configuration of submerged land over time. The plates circulate on the less dense underlying mantle (made up of oxides and silicates), which causes a continual drift, with upward movements of parts of these plates, resulting in the formation of mountains.

Currently the internal structure of the Earth has different distinct parts. From the center outwards we have the inner core, the outer core, the lower mantle, the upper mantle, and the lithosphere.

From the center outwards we have the inner core, the outer core, the lower mantle, the upper mantle, and the lithosphere. The inner core is solid. It is made of iron and nickel. (15% of the mass of the Earth), Its radius is 1,250 km. The temperature of the environment is around 5,000°. It is the seat of numerous electrical and magnetic properties (magnetization of the Earth). The outer core is liquid. It is essentially made of iron and nickel. Its thickness is 2,200 km.

The lower mantle is plastic. It is made up of different molten minerals called magma. It is the seat of internal movements called convection currents which allow the mixing of magma. It is also the seat of geological phenomena. Its thickness is 2,200 km. The upper mantle constitutes the association of different minerals. Its thickness is 700 km.

The lithosphere constitutes the rigid earth's crust. Its thickness varies from 30 to 70 km depending on the location. The thinnest thicknesses are at the bottom of the oceans, and the greatest at the level of the mountains.

The atmosphere is 500 km thick, but 9/10 of its mass is in the first 16 km. It generally rotates at the same speed as the Earth. The atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.95% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide and various gases including methane, ozone, and water vapor. Carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and water vapor absorb infrared radiation emitted by the Earth and reflect it back to the ground, resulting in warming called the "greenhouse effect". Ozone absorbs certain ultraviolet frequencies emitted by the Sun, which allows the maintenance of animal and plant life. (Photosynthesis and maintenance of cells of living matter).

Note: We call the “biosphere” the thin film on the surface of the Earth, which contains most of the living beings. Oxygen accumulated over time thanks to plant photosynthesis which fixed carbon dioxide in the form of organic matter.

If we consider the conscience aspect, we deviate from science. We can say that the mineral kingdom constitutes the basic kingdom of everything that lives on its soil. The plant, animal and therefore human kingdoms all contain minerals in the constitution of their material bodies. However, there is a hierarchy in the mineral kingdom. Crystalline rocks are inhabited by the most evolved consciousnesses of the mineral kingdom, other rocks have more slowed down consciousnesses. Among crystalline rocks, the most evolved is diamond.

The diamond is the final step in the evolution of mineral consciousness. On the other hand, crystalline rocks, due to their structure, are transmitters and receivers of waves.

From the existence of bacteria we are witnessing the birth of 2 distinct branches: The plant kingdom with the appearance of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), devoid of a true nucleus, capable of using sunlight to reproduce their food by photosynthesis. There are currently 600,000 species. The animal kingdom with the appearance of protozoa, unicellular organisms measuring 1 micron to 1 cm with varied morphologies. Photosynthesis is the reaction which allows the fixation of carbon dioxide from the air in the form of sugar capable of being metabolized into other substances in plant cells. This reaction takes place thanks to the light energy captured by chlorophyll (molecular pigment). The reduction takes place through water which releases oxygen into the air.

Note: Between these 2 kingdoms we note the appearance of fungi which are linked to both algae and protozoa.


We are going to devote a particular chapter to the aspect of consciousnesses which are integrated into animal bodies. Here too we will not go into details. The goal is to understand the principles of evolution. Just like the plant and human kingdoms, the living comes either from consciousnesses originating from Gaia herself as the progenitor of these consciousnesses, or from consciousnesses originating from other spheres of the vast cosmos, in order to make them evolve in its own energies.

The consciousnesses that make up the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom are consciousnesses of the group consciousness type.

That is to say that a consciousness belonging to a particular type, family, genus, species, etc. of one of these 2 kingdoms will be integrated into a certain number of animal bodies. This can range from a few bodies to several thousand bodies depending on the type, family, genus, species, etc.

The human kingdom is of the individual consciousness type, that is to say that a human consciousness only inhabits a single human body. Note that certain domestic animals which are very close to man, which have intimate relations with him, can become individualized over time, but this is an exception.

Concerning the group consciousnesses that come to incarnate in the animal bodies of Gaia, these are consciousnesses that are not evolved enough to act by themselves. It is therefore Gaia who takes charge of the fallout from the actions of these consciousnesses. If an animal group consciousness that comes from outside of Gaia is supported solely by Gaia, this sphere will act as a mother to these consciousnesses. These will tend to blend into the sphere during its evolution, losing their authenticity. To avoid this, guides intervene to guide consciences and thus allow them to keep their authenticity, while evolving. However, it is Gaia who takes upon herself the evolution of these beings.

It is for this reason that the animal kingdom evolves in harmony with Gaia. But it happens (a very rare case) that evolved group consciousnesses wish to continue their evolution in the human kingdom. Let's take an example from the dog breed: Initially, the group consciousness of dogs was much more limited. There was only one race resembling the wolf race. Then, during its evolution, this group consciousness created several variants, sub-breeds of dogs with different shapes. When these variants were too different from each other, there were separations, the group consciousness split into several group consciousnesses which each began a separate evolution. And so on.

It happens in this pattern that group consciousnesses become very close to man and continue their division until individualization and then have the possibility of switching to the human kingdom as an individual consciousness. At that moment they become men but often very simple, instinctive and kind.

These animal consciousnesses, which integrate into the human kingdom, often do so in primitive tribes, but it is increasingly the case that animals which have evolved alongside man, such as certain breeds of poodle-type pet dogs, can directly incarnate into Western bodies, because they have evolved alongside Western human consciousnesses and are accustomed to this type of society. However, they cannot do this at any time. They must respect the orders of priorities, they can only incarnate in the human kingdom at certain times, during certain phases such as for example during massive arrivals at the start of a new Great Civilization. The orders of priority are developed first for the different cases of evolution of human consciousness, and then for the transfers from one kingdom to another. On the other hand, if any animal race is no longer fueled by consciousnesses, if the bodies are no longer inhabited by group consciousnesses which prefer to evolve in other bodies or elsewhere in the cosmos, the race becomes extinct. Material bodies, no longer able to serve as vehicles for consciousness, are no longer reproduced, the race disappears. On the other hand, evolution causes other races to be born, other more perfected bodies to be made available to consciousnesses if there is a demand. For example, the group consciousnesses of large mammals such as the elephant reach a point in their evolution where they can no longer maintain themselves in these large bodies. Certain group consciousnesses have acquired a potential which no longer allows them to feel balanced in these bodies, and they aspire to integrate more refined bodies, such as the horse to continue their evolution at a higher stage..Likewise, group consciousnesses such as giraffes can migrate into elephant bodies left available by their predecessors because they no longer see any interest in evolving as giraffes. If, on the other hand, no consciousness any longer wishes to take possession of elephant bodies, they will naturally disappear. Not to be confused with the action of man who destroys this balance by destroying animal bodies for his personal interests, or through certain non-ecological, non-balanced actions.

If man destroys a species before the consciousnesses have sufficiently evolved in its bodies, these consciousnesses will have to be reintegrated into bodies of another species. It should be noted that most group consciousnesses which come from other spheres wish at a certain moment to return to their sphere of origin to continue their evolution, just as a being who has made a long journey aspires to return to his family.

The human race represents a particularity. The beings that compose it all have an individual consciousness, that is to say an autonomous consciousness endowed with free will. On Earth, in the incarnation of its material plane, these consciousnesses inhabit bodies from the animal kingdom. We will discuss these elements in a future chapter.


Introduction :

We must imagine Gaia as a planetary sphere, that is to say a set of subtle cosmic planes (invisible to our usual senses and our current equipment), and which also has a material plane. But Gaia, like all the spheres of the Cosmos, also represents a Planetary Cosmic Consciousness, that is to say a cosmic being in its own right, which lives, moves, evolves in the cosmos, at the same time as other spheres, under the energies of our star the Sun.

This being is therefore made up of different bodies, each possessing a state of consciousness. Given the size of the different bodies of Gaia, compared to ours, we are used to speaking of planes such as astral plane, mental plane, etc., instead of speaking, as for human beings, of astral body or mental body. In addition Gaia navigates on certain universal planes which are common to many spheres of our galaxy. So we're going to go over these plans.

The Physical plan:

It is appropriate here to clearly differentiate the scientific, current and energetic definition of the word "physics". The scientific definition designates, for the word physics, the science whose object is the study of the properties of bodies and the laws which tend to modify their state or their movement without modifying their nature.

The current definition mixes the physical aspect and the material aspect of existing elements. When we speak, for example, of the physical body, we refer as much to the form as to the content. The energetic definition of the word physics is the structure, the framework, the energetic mold which represents the form. It is an energy of concretization, a densification which allows a differentiation between the elements which exist, which characterize each element individually. Elements can exist physically without existing materially. They are not then perceptible to our ordinary senses. The energies that materialize into forms come from a Universal Plan called the Physical Plane. The physical plane is a plane of relationships. It can exist without matter.

Beings can live on a physical plane that does not use matter, or matter different from the one we know.

The physical plane can use an astral or mental plane too. When the physical plane is in relationship with the mental plane, this corresponds to an exchange of very different ideas, very different thoughts. When the physical plane is in relationship with the astral plane, this corresponds to an exchange of love, emotions, different feelings.

The physical plane in contact with a matter less dense than ours, more subtle, will not be visible to our senses or to our devices. Yet shapes and atoms exist on these planes. The physical plane allows beings to meet, to be on the same frequency, but in a neutral zone. It allows different beings to establish relationships that harm neither one nor the other. It adjusts the vibrations of different consciousnesses in frequencies so that they can find common ground, at least in part of their energy so that they can recognize each other and establish direct contact on this plane, physical contact. You must know that you can exist without having an appearance, without using the physical plane.

The Material plan:

It is also important to clearly define the word “material”. The word material designates everything that is made up of matter, that is to say molecules, atoms, particles, etc. This is what fills the physical mold. Each element existing on Earth has a very particular, very personalized physical mold, but all elements are filled with the same material. The physical mold obviously pre-exists the material filling. The physical form transforms according to the necessities of life development. This form is unique for everyone. Material filling occurs through the development of cells. These cells are identical for everyone in the same kingdom.

The energies which allow the creation of molecules, cells, etc., come from a Universal Plan called the Material Plane.

Beyond this material plane, life is also expressed in a subtle form, that is to say generally not perceptible to our 5 physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). Perceptions of this so-called subtle life are made using what we call the subtle senses (perceptions, sensations, visions, intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, etc.).

Nous distinguons notamment :

"The Astral Plane: The plane commonly called Astral represents the part of Gaia which evolves at the level of states, feelings, emotions, desires, sensations. It is a vibrationally less subtle plane, denser than the Mental Plane.

In the same way the consciousnesses found there are equipped with a so-called Astral body and live in the energies of this plane of Gaia to learn to develop these same energies (states, feelings, emotions, desires, sensations, by adding passions).

The near-matter astral plane uses part of the matter plane. It is made up of atoms. But if we move to a higher frequency of the astral, towards the astral of love, there are no more atoms. However, there may be a matter different from that which we know, much less dense, made up of particles which give intense radiation.

The astral plane is an integral part of the constitution of planet Earth. It is a more subtle plane than the material plane, therefore not perceptible to our common senses, but very tangible. Within this plane exist physical forms belonging to the different kingdoms that exist.

It is on this plane that most human beings find themselves after their disembodiment. Consciousness leaves the material body. This returns to the elements of the Earth. The physical body linked to the material body, which was created during the conception of the fetus dissolves into the physical plane. Consciousness continues to evolve on the astral plane by acquiring a physical body but which is filled with the subtle substance of the astral plane. This plane is called astral because it vibrates at the level of emotions, sensations, desires. Man works on feelings, especially love.

There exists within the astral plane an infinity of differentiations of more or less high vibrations, from the lowest to the most subtle. On a cosmic level this plane is called the Plan of States, because it manifests different states of consciousnesses living there.

It is appropriate to differentiate the astral plane of Gaia, a plane specific to it, and which vibrates according to the characteristics of this sphere, with its mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, with the astral plane in which human consciousnesses live. Of course it is the same plane, but the areas in which these human consciousnesses are expressed more or less strongly color this plane by their very expression.

Since the human being has the possibility of expressing himself with great freedom, that he can create physically in the astral more easily than materially on the material plane, he leaves his mark on the astral of Gaia, good or bad. Man modulates the places where he finds himself based on his possibilities.

On the material level, man modifies his material environment, especially since he can rely on sophisticated technology. He sometimes does this happily, respecting the balance of the place where he is, but very often in an anarchic and dangerous way for the balance of earthly life. On an astral plane the process is the same, with the difference however that the possibilities are more numerous because the plane is more subtle and the handling of energies is easier.

The astral creations of the human being are more numerous and varied than on the material plane, but he can do it in a good way or in a bad way, just like in incarnation. He has the choice, he has free will over the conditions and possibilities of his evolution.

This is the possibility offered by Universal Laws.

Thus we can say that human beings have polluted certain areas of Gaia's astral through their inadequate behavior, as some pollute the material plane currently. We can say the same for the mental plane of Gaia polluted by the negative thoughts of human beings.

Particularities of the Astral Plane at the human level: For humans, the Mental Plane of Gaia is of little interest to explore. These are subtle energies which especially allow the Astral and Material planes to structure and organize themselves.

On the other hand, the Astral Plane, at the human level, is much more interesting to study. Without going into details, let us point out that it is made up of an infinity of planes, from the lowest vibrations which were created by the lowest, most vile actions of human consciousnesses, to the highest vibrations reached by human consciousnesses in their evolution on Gaia.

Between these two extremes, we find all the possible intermediaries who have been nourished by human consciousnesses in their experiences since they appeared on this sphere.

On a practical level, we see an infinity of atmospheres, landscapes, constructions, etc. which were created, using the energies of this plane, through the desires of the consciousnesses which evolve there. This creation (which is physically structured by the Mental Plane), of course takes into account the feelings, emotions, sensations, passions of consciousness.

This represents a real small universe created by consciousnesses, and of course inhabited by them in a sense close to life on the Material Plane very often. Everything created on the Astral Plane endures as long as the realization is fueled by consciousnesses. We can find there atmospheres of the great and near past of man because consciousnesses desire to live at these levels.

We could say, to use an image, that the human Astral Plane of Gaia resembles the Material Plane but modulated by the desires of the consciousnesses that live there, which are expressed in all imaginable ways by these consciousnesses, from the most primary desires to the highest.

We also find there achievements which do not appear on the Incarnate Plane because beings have achieved there what they had not been able to do in matter. I make it clear that all these creations are very physical, very tangible, but not material (make the difference). It’s simply a more subtle physique. Certain areas, which were created by consciousnesses very close to matter, strangely resemble matter, and the boundary between the two is very fine. On the other hand, the so-called high astral zones are all brilliance, pastel colors, splendid and luminous landscapes, with diaphanous shapes, and give the impression of great purity, perfect balance, and divine harmony. It is the place where evolution guides live.

The consciousnesses that evolve in these different planes are "dressed" in an astral body which corresponds to that of their desire, but also which is balanced with the state of vibration of the being. A being navigating on a lower astral plane will not be able to acquire a body with pure forms. There is always balance between the plan, consciousness and living conditions. A consciousness, between two incarnations, will automatically integrate into a zone which corresponds to its state of evolution. There, she will have the choices corresponding to her. A more evolved consciousness may, for whatever reason, move towards lower vibrations, but never the other way around. Describing and defining all these planes would be more complex than wanting to describe everything that exists in matter, for the good reason that it is infinite!

However, it must be clarified that, apart from the lowest planes, beings are conscious, they continue to evolve through learning, experiences, encounters.

There are schools in which all possible disciplines can be studied, distances do not exist (you just have to think of a place to find yourself there), the linear time factor does not exist (we do not realize the time that passes).

There are hospitals in which beings who arrive from incarnation and who are emotionally traumatized by harsh experiences are treated. There are centers of spiritual progression where initiates from higher planes give real evolution courses. Etc. Etc. Beings are free to live as they wish within the limits of the possibilities of the potential of their consciousness of course.

Beings remain under the guidance of one or more guides who help them at all times. They manage the time between two incarnations together and prepare, when the time comes, for the next incarnation.

The Mental Plane: The plane commonly called Mental represents the part of Gaia which evolves at the level of analysis, ideas, thoughts, practical intelligence, creativity, structure. It is a subtle coordinated plan which structures the Astral and Material planes of this planet. The consciousnesses found there acquire a so-called Mental body and live in the energies of this plane of Gaia to learn to develop these same energies (analysis, ideas, thoughts, practical intelligence, creativity, structure). The mental plane is also an integral part of the constitution of planet Earth. It is also a plane more subtle than the material plane, therefore not perceptible to our common senses, but still tangible, although less tangible than the astral plane. Within this plane there are also physical forms belonging to the different kingdoms that exist on the material plane, but which can be very different in nature from what we know. The consciousnesses that reside there live at the level of ideas, concrete thoughts, practical intelligence, creativity. This plane structures the astral plane and the material plane. Nothing could exist in a tangible way if it was not thought, elaborated at the level of the mental plane. There also exists within the mental plane an infinity of differentiations of more or less high vibrations, from the lowest to the most subtle.

On a cosmic level this plane is called the Plane of Analysis, because it manifests a conscious reflection of life and its possibilities of manifestation.

Dimension 4: The material plane of Earth is designated as part of dimension 3. Not as physical dimensions, but mainly linked to states of consciousness. An immobile element is part of dimension 1. A being who is conscious of moving on a plane lives in dimension 2. He who is conscious of belonging to the human planetary plane, the Earth being a physical cosmic entity, is in dimension 3. He who lives on Gaia, being aware of its various subtle planes, and being aware of Gaia's relationships with the other cosmic dimensions, approaches dimension 4. There are an infinity of dimensions in the universe involving notions which would be difficult and time consuming to explore here.

Regarding dimension 4, it is the cosmic dimension of Gaia.

Man does not yet have access to it, because his consciousness is for the moment closed to truly cosmic notions of life. And, even if he is aware of it, his current incarnate vibration is not sufficient for him to be able to achieve it. Some can make a few quick forays there but cannot stay there at this moment in the history of humanity. Humanity will be able to approach it when it has evolved towards positive values, towards states of being attached to great virtues, to great qualities, and in particular those of mastered Peace, Love and Strength. Thus this humanity will raise the vibration of its incarnated planetary plane towards a vibration more consistent with the true vibration of Gaia.

We can say that the true incarnate plane of Gaia is its 4th dimension, but it is still too subtle in its vibration for man to migrate there. In other words, our current material plane is dimension 4 of Gaia but closed within itself, cut off from cosmic sources and slowed down in its vibration, which makes this material plane denser than that of dimension 4. C’est pour cela d’ailleurs qu’il reste non perceptible aux sens humains.We can find on the 4th dimension plane, the same kingdoms of nature, that is to say mineral, plant, animal, but in a higher vibration which makes matter more subtle. What is there may look very similar to what we know on our plane, but different beings also live there in the different realms.

Among the life that reigns on this dimension 4, we will analyze the presence and action of beings attached to nature and who work for the growth and balance of this dimension. I want to talk about what we call beings of Nature. There is therefore an infinity of what we call dimensions in the Universe. These dimensions are physically linked to space-time, and consciously linked to the states of consciousness of the beings who live on these dimensions. For example, in the space-time of the material Earth, we say that we are in a three-dimensional space, or in a 3 dimension. Physically it is linked to three dimensions which are length, width, and height. Consciously the human being knows that he is navigating in this 3 dimension.

Dimension 4 is the true dimension of Gaia's nature, and it should be the true dimension where humans live. Originally it was integrated, and it was planned to remain there. He simply had to make a few forays into dimension 3 for his learning, but without lingering there.

Through his free will, man has integrated himself too much into dimension 3, so that he has sunk into it, dragging over time the entire material plane into a lower vibration, heavier, and more difficult to manipulate, and therefore to live.

We will come back to this, we will have the opportunity to deepen this aspect of the development of man since the origin of his incarnation. We could say that dimension 4 is a bit like the astral of Gaia, but the harmonious astral.

The man who will integrate into it will take a lighter body, but he will be in his physical body. It is the physical, but not material, plane of the planet Gaia. We could also say that the nature of the Earth is the projection of dimension 4 nature into a denser, materialized part called dimension 3. If life in our dimension 3 were to disappear, it could continue to exist on dimension 4.

This life would be physical, but no longer material. A being living on dimension 3 coming to visit the Earth would only encounter rocks upon arriving here, for example, whereas life could be flourishing on dimension 4. This being, living in its dimension, would deduce that life does not exist on this earth. Assuming he could resettle to dimension 4, he would then meet other human beings. Without going far, this is what is happening on the other planets of the Solar System.

Life exists on other dimensions which are not perceptible to earthly man living in matter dimension 3. However, the astral of Gaia should not be confused with its dimension 4. The astral of Gaia is specific to Gaia. The astral plane of another planet is automatically different. Gaia's astral represents one of her bodies and is therefore specific to her.

On the other hand, dimension 4 represents a universal plane, a vibrational possibility. If we project ourselves onto Venus, for example, the laws which govern its dimension 4 are the same as here, with different components, of course. Do not confuse a sphere-specific plane with a cosmic plane. The transition from one dimension to another is a question of opening the consciousness, because these dimensions are linked to the vibrations of the places in question. From dimension 4, life is physical but no longer material. A 4 dimension vibrates higher than a 3 dimension, and so on. A being of dimension 3 is not conscious, cannot perceive, and of course cannot analyze, elements of a higher dimension, while the opposite is possible. Dimension 4 is the one that is in contact with Space. This is the true home of man, or rather it should be the true home of man. Man's true home is not this plane of matter, but the physical plane without materiality.

This dimension 4 corresponds, for example, to the inhabited plane of current Venus. But when we tell the people of Earth that the Venusians are on a physical plane they laugh, because they cannot tell the difference between the material and the physical. They do not yet have this notion understood in their mental structure. This reality must be able to open up perspectives of explanation of life existing elsewhere on other dimensions, and not perceptible to man. But this merits particular development and will not be developed here. So let's return to our dimension 4 attached to Gaia.

This dimension, also called plane, therefore existed before the plant, animal and human kingdoms were established on Gaia, because it is part of the process of the planes of the Earth. This plane should not be confused with the astral plane of the disembodied that we usually talk about. These are two different plans.

Gaia's astral is a little more densified. Let's take an example of an incarnated human being: He is in a country corner on the material plane. He succeeds in increasing his own vibration within himself, and if at the same time he manages to slow down his physiological rhythm, his consciousness can shift into the 4-dimensional landscape.

This dimension, which currently exists physically without man being aware of it, represents a balanced plane of Gaia with a plant kingdom and an animal kingdom, but practically no human kingdom currently. Regarding the animal kingdom, some animals are identical to those existing on the material plane, some are different from this plane. An animal which is on this dimension 4 needs to feed but at the level of energies. Let us not forget that he has a physical body with a consciousness attached to it. He does not have to nourish himself in the same way as on the material plane. It can feed on an energy that suits it at a given moment. It can be a rose, a bush which nourishes it with its energy, this energy being constant. And to move he makes movements in the same way as on the material plane of Gaia. But his movements are much more graceful, aerial, easier for him. He can fly, walk, run, jump; he can do what he wants. It can dance to these energies, or it can just be an energy. Regarding the plant and mineral kingdoms, there are not many differences between dimension 3 and dimension 4. There is an analogy in places, such as mountains, forests, lakes.

Dimension 4 plans are the same but much more subtle. It is logical to find in dimension 4 what is found in dimension 3 since dimension 3 is the extension of dimension 4. There is, however, a big difference, in the nuance of the colors, and sometimes in the shape, because the shape in dimension 4 can change completely even if it is the extension of dimension 3. The plane of matter is the one on which man moves. The physical plane is a plane that we could define as being a fence, a mold. It is he who gives the shapes. It is the mold that matter uses to make material bodies.

Let's not forget the etheric plane: The etheric plane is a sort of mesh that surrounds the physical plane. The etheric plane exists on all other planes. It’s a bit like the protection that surrounds each body, whose energy is ether. It is an energy which is made of ether, of ether molecules. Dimension 4 escapes the astral, escapes the mental. Dimension 4 lies between the subtle planes of Gaia and the cosmic planes. Dimension 4 is more subtle than the astral. In the high astral there is still a form, in dimension 4, the form is a wave. The luminosity is also different, but it is true that we can compare dimension 4 to the ideal astral of Gaia. There is very little difference other than in the vibration. There are no seasons in dimension 4, the temperature is always ideal. In dimension 4 we can take and use energies as we wish. It is in this dimension that what we call the spirits of nature, the devas, etc.. But we will come back to this in a following chapter.

The Relationship Plan: It is less known than the previous ones because it does not involve the human being directly, but it involves more those responsible for its evolution. It is a universal plane, that is to say it does not exist only on Gaia, but this sphere uses this plane for its structure. This plan allows an organized meeting of consciousnesses following the Cosmic Laws, as well as reflection for an improvement of links and exchanges. On Gaia it is also called the Causal or Animic Plane. It represents an intermediate plane, a link between the planes which go towards incarnation (mental, astral, physical, material), and the universal planes in relation to the other spheres of the cosmos. On this level, decisions are made concerning: The management of Universal Laws linked to Gaia. The development and application of Terrestrial Laws. The organization of human incarnation cycles among others. The relationships between Gaia and the other spheres. Problems linked to the evolution of species and mainly of man.

At the human level, these activities are managed by a Planetary Council made up of evolved humans who are now out of incarnation cycles. This Organization will be studied later.

The Plane of Luminescence: The first beings on Earth could differentiate the plane of Luminescence from the Physical plane which allowed them to have possibilities at the level of higher senses, such as seeing the aura. Later, this plane of Luminescence was integrated on Earth into the Physical plane, and it became dependent on the physical plane, therefore on the exchanges between beings, on the atmosphere resulting from the evolution of men. Human beings have closed themselves off to other planes and the Plane of Luminescence has atrophied in terms of man's uses of the Universal Planes, and man has lost his possibilities of using his higher senses.

Parallel planes: For the sake of completeness, it is appropriate to mention the existence of planes that do not systematically exist elsewhere in the cosmos. They are commonly called parallel planes. These are space-time cells which are not part of what has just been described. These are closed cells, which are not in contact with the other planes. These are peculiarities of nature that lead to nothing. Imagine a few small balloons connected to the Gaïa ball.

Inside these cells, an organized life can be expressed physically and even materially, but the notion of evolution does not exist. In some cases the cell is empty of life, the linear time that we know does not even exist.

Passages, space-time doors can sometimes open, and if a human being or an object is in front of this door when it opens, they can fall into this cell, without being able to return to the material plane.

This is particularly the case for two particular points called the Bermuda Triangle, and its antipode, the Devil's Triangle. They represent two ancient magnetic poles of the Earth, and it sometimes happens that interference occurs at an electromagnetic level which causes the opening of a passage between the two dimensions, between the two planes. History relates certain facts of disappearance of ships or planes in these areas which have remained scientifically unexplained.

When human beings find themselves involved in these natural phenomena, they are taken care of by beings of the Planetary Organization which I will talk about later, in order to be realigned on the evolutionary plans. In this case there is automatically disembodiment. It happens (this is quite rare) that groups of beings who refuse evolution or the conditions of life on Earth find themselves living on these parallel planes for a certain number of incarnations. They lead a normal life there, although only rural and rural, without the intervention of elaborate technology. However, the evolution guides try to influence them so that they agree to re-insert themselves into evolution circuits, otherwise their consciousness risks crystallizing. The transition also occurs after disincarnation. It does not seem practically possible to return from a space-time cell to our material plane directly with one's material body.

For the record (because it is very rare), mini doors may exist in certain places. Easily controllable, they are protected by beings who are in charge of them, and who are located in other dimensions. They work to keep incarnated human beings away from them, even when these doors are closed. These mini-doors are the resurgence of particularly strong energetic manipulations that were made by human beings in the past. Even closed, they can act psychically on individuals, destabilize them, provoke psychic attractions that are undesirable for the uninitiated.


Introduction: Gaia, as a sphere, is helped on all its planes by elements which organize the development of life on each of these planes. We have seen how life unfolds on the material, astral, mental and relationship planes. We are going to provide details on the management of terrestrial life but seen from a more subtle side. There are several types of energy, each responsible for a specific area.

Gaia has 8 important Sectors, and each Sector brings together different goals and is expressed through different processes depending on the area in which it acts.

The 8 Sectors: These are the 4 basic elements which are the energies of earth, water, air, and fire, plus a 5th element called wood, (note that Chinese energetics is based, among other things, on the action of these 5 elements).

Let's add the influence of the 2 polarities of yin and yang.

And finally, there are energies of mutation. We will briefly define these elements.

- Earth: Material Plane of Gaia. This element represents the mineral kingdom, the solids, the minerals inside the bodies of the different kingdoms.

- Water: Plan of the (astral) States of Gaia. This element represents liquids, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, rain, water inside the bodies of the different kingdoms.

- Air: Gaia's (mental) Plane of Analysis. This element represents the atmosphere, the winds, the gases, the respiration of the bodies of the different kingdoms.

- Fire: Gaia's Relationship Plan. It gives energizing energy, an impulse, energy. This element represents magma, lightning, solar energy, flames, various fires. It represents life, all that is vital energy. It allows you to come into contact with other bodies, other beings.

- Wood: This element represents the expression, the relationship between the 4 previous elements, what connects them, what is contained in the kingdoms of nature. It represents beings in their entirety. Wood is represented by the tree. It is connected to the earth, it needs water to feed itself and air to breathe, and life is fire.

- Yin: It represents the receptive energy present in living beings (female sex). - Yang: It represents the emitting energy (male sex).

- The energies of mutation (ether): These are energies of transformation, it is the ether. This element represents the passage from one state to another, the accomplishment, the birth of what is possible and the disappearance of what is no longer necessary, the end of a goal and the passage from one state to another state. These energies of mutation are also called ether.

Notes: Everything that exists on Gaia in the different planes is governed by these 8 elements. Each element is bathed by the 12 Directing Rays studied previously. In this Organization everything is equal, there is no break between the different reigns. For example, the person responsible for the earth energy, the earth element, deals more with what is solid but, at the same time, he deals with the material plane as a whole. He is responsible for material bodies, and for everything that happens in the realm of the earth. The person responsible for the water element has under his control both the seas, the oceans, and the entire water element in all the bodies of all living beings. He also takes care of the rains, of the astral plane of Gaia. The person responsible for Yang energy is responsible for everything masculine, emitting, and at any level. He who is in charge of the ether element controls birth, death and accession into the spiritual planes.Likewise, it manages the disappearance of a species which can bother its neighbors. He can also control the mutation of a race, he can give an impulse, but in relation to other elements. For example, if the mutation is genetic, he will do it in collaboration with the person responsible for the earth element. If the modification must take place on an astral plane, it will do so in collaboration with the person responsible for the water element. Etc. So the burdens of each person responsible have repercussions on the entire scale of evolution of the Earth.

All beings living on Earth use the 8 elements, but some more than others. For example, a dog uses the earth element more than a fish. Even the mineral uses them. The mineral corresponds to the material body of Gaia, therefore to the earth element, but if we move to the astral plane of Gaia, we will be able to perceive these minerals much more like crystallized water. If we move to the mental plane of Gaia, we will be able to perceive these minerals much more like air, like breathing. The minerals are translucent at this level. And if we move onto the causal plane (Relationships) of Gaia, we will be able to perceive these minerals much more in a fiery energetic form. The appearance changes according to the balance of energies, according to thoughts, feelings or impulses.

For example, if we move to the least evolved part of the causal plane of Gaia, we will perceive things bathed in fire energy, flames (see Christian hell), but if we move to an evolved part of the causal plane of Gaia, things will be perceived through balls of iridescent energy, with high vibrations. On the other hand, a male material body does not necessarily imply that the consciousness that inhabits it is yang, the same for a female body and yin energy. On the other hand, we can have a mental body more or less yang or yin, and an astral body also more or less yang or yin. This is why mixtures of polarities and differences in polarity potential between these different bodies sometimes cause difficulties, disturbances, repressions, lacks or others in certain beings. Fitness, gender are just one element among many.


Introduction: We have seen that the planet Gaia, a planetary being, has different bodies called planes. It also has energy centers that distribute cosmo-telluric energies throughout its physical ground. These centers are called chakras.

These chakras have a well-defined position in connection with their own function. We will review them. When we study the structure of the human being, we will see that it is made up, in the same way as Gaia, of a material body but also of subtle bodies, and that in its constitution there exist in particular energy centers called chakras.

To better understand the analogies between Gaia and the human being attached to her, we will name the correspondence of Gaia's chakras with those of man.

Chakra Kilimanjaro: - Geographical position: Its geographical position is located in Kenya, on Mount Kilimanjaro. - Evolutionary action: Its action corresponds to the impulse of life, to the consciousness of existing. He directs the cycles of evolution and incarnation on Earth. It directs the consciousness of Gaia towards the consciousness of the material Earth. It gave the impact of individualization to the first men. It is the coordinating chakra of Gaia's life. It was the first chakra activated when man arrived on Earth. This chakra is not very active in our time. It was especially so 12 million years ago.

- Relay points: There is a relay point, Ras da chan in Ethiopia.

- Correspondence with the human chakra: Coronal.

The Jungfrau chakra: - Geographical position: Its geographical position is located in the Swiss Alps, at Mount Jungfrau. - Evolutionary action: Its action corresponds to the synthesis, to reflection, to the observation of everything that is happening. This is the balance sheet. It is a chakra that is not yet in action. It will be in the future, around +4,000 years at the end of the Aquarian era.

- Relay points: There are 2 relay points: Mont Blanc. Mount Grossglockner in Austria.

- Correspondence with the human chakra: Frontal.

The South Pole chakra: - Geographical position: Its geographical position is located at the South Pole. - Evolutionary action: Its action corresponds to the balance of Gaia, it corresponds to the proper functioning of the incarnate body of the Earth. An imbalance in the body will affect this chakra (for example, ozone layer problem). It was especially active before the appearance of man on Earth.

- Relay points: There are 3 relay points in Antarctica.

- Correspondence with the human chakra: Laryngeal.

The Polynesian chakra: - Geographical position: Its geographical position is located in the South Pacific, in Polynesia, towards the island of Raivavae. - Evolutionary action: Its action corresponds to the maintenance and retransmission in all bodies of harmony. It purifies, it cleanses the Earth for better action. It controls the El Nino marine current which is the regulator of other currents. He was especially active during the Lemurian era.

- Relay points: There are 3 relay points: In Alaska at Mount Mac Kinley. In California at Mount Shasta. In Peru at Mount Misti.

- Correspondence with the human chakra: Cardiac.

The Gunnbjorns chakra: - Geographical position: Its geographical position is located in Greenland, at Mount Gunnbjorns. - Evolutionary action: Its action corresponds to the management of sorting of everything it receives from energies coming from the outside. It protects the Earth from external energies. It was especially active in the Hyperborean era.

- Relay points: There are 5 relay points: At the physical north pole (man, through his actions, prevents the protection of his soil from external energies such as cosmic rays, hence a hole in the ozone layer).

At the magnetic north pole (see magnetic disturbances by human actions). In Norway to the Spitsbergen Islands. At the Galdhopfggen. In South Iceland. - Correspondence with the human chakra: Solar.

The Fuji-Yama chakra: - Geographical position: Its geographical position is located in Japan, at Mount Fuji-Yama. - Evolutionary action: Its action corresponds to the relationships with the different planes of Gaia. It allows you to live in symbiosis with the surrounding environment. It is an open window which characterizes the energies of Gaia to especially protect the Earth. It is permanently active and does not correspond to the emergence of a particular civilization.

- Relay points: There are 6 relay points: In North Korea in Baiktousan. In Russia on the banks of the Amur River. In the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka. In the Pacific on Pohnpe Island. In Taiwan at Mount Tungchan. In the Pacific on Midway Island.

- Correspondence with the human chakra: Umbilical.

The Bimini chakra: - Geographical position: Its geographical position is located in the Sargasso Sea, on the island of Bimini.

- Evolutionary action: Its action corresponds to the retransmission of the acquired knowledge of Gaia, including outwards towards younger spheres. It also corresponds to the control of the Earth's energies. He was especially active during the time of Atlantis.

- Relay points: There are 7 relay points: In northern California at Mount Whitney. In the east of the United States in the Appalachians at the Great Smoky Mounts. In Guatemala at Mount Tajumulco. In the Dominican Republic at Mount Cibao. In the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Senegal at Pic Cano. In the Azores Islands, at Mount Pico. In Egypt at Giza near Memphis.

- Correspondence with the human chakra: Sacral.

The Ararat chakra: - Geographical position: Its geographical position is located in Türkiye at Mount Ararat. - Evolutionary action: Its action corresponds to the sorting of what has not served the set purpose. It also corresponds to the desire to leave something behind. It corresponds to the eliminatory system of what has not been assimilated. This is the realization. It is currently in use especially for the Aryan civilization.

- Relay points: There are 8 relay points: Above Afghanistan at Mount Hissar. In Pakistan in the Indus Valley at Mount Mohenjodaro. In Iraq in Ur. In Egypt at Mount Sinai. In the island of Crete at Mount Ida. In Saudi Arabia in Medina. In Türkiye in Istanbul. In Russia in Volgograd.

- Correspondence with the human chakra: Coccygeus.

The Arkatang chakra: - Geographical position: Its geographical position is located in Tibet, in the Himalayas in Sin Kiang at Mount Arkatang. - Evolutionary action: Its action corresponds to the link that exists between Gaia and other consciousnesses that watch over her. -

Relay points: There are 9 relay points in China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Sin Kiang, Pamir, Kashmir, Tibet, Nepal.


Introduction: Independently of the chakras, there are powerful energy emission centers on Earth which are managed by energies external to our material plane, but which are located in particular places at the level of cosmo-telluric balances. It is of course understood that these centers exist on planes more subtle than the physical plane, while having repercussions on it. As with the chakras, these centers have relay points.

We can compare a center of action to a hand. From the palm comes an energy that influences men. The fingertips are gates located several dozen kilometers on the outskirts of the center. The palm is connected on one side to a cosmic emission point and on the other to another emission point located inside the Earth.

We present the main ones to you:

: There are currently, in France, 3 main centers of action:

- Center of Mont Lozère: It is located in the Cévennes National Park at the summit of Laubiés near the Finiels summit. Its role is to harmonize terrestrial nature (vegetation and animals). He protects it and preserves it from the influence of man. He studies and analyzes it.

- Center du Mont Ventoux: It is located in the Vaucluse department. It has a role of purification and harmonization. Its emission is powerful and diffuses over a wide radius so that each individual passing through the Rhône Valley (an important European transit point) can convey, conscious or not, a particle of the energy emitted by this center. A relay point is located in Ardèche near Vallon Pont d’Arc, another in the hills near Villes sur Auzon, in Vaucluse.

- Center of Pic du Mont Calm: It is located in the Pyrenees, in the department of Ariège, in the northwest of Andorra. It is a study center for a better understanding of human psychology. A center of action can move geographically, for various reasons, including physical obligations.

This was the case for 2 centers formerly located in France:

- Former center of the Paimpont forest: It was located in Brittany, between Ploermel and Rennes. This center was moved a few hundred years ago. Many of its functions have been transferred to a large center in Wales. It is the increase in the population in this region which is at the origin of this transfer. There remain, however, several still active gates connected to Wales.

The role of the Wales Center is to disseminate cosmic information so that man can be helped to open his consciousness towards cosmic life. It therefore has an important mental influence on man in the sense of an opening towards the cosmos. For protection, the exact location of this center cannot be revealed.

- Former center of the Orient Forest: It was located in the Aube department, east of Troyes. It was moved last century to Switzerland, a neutral country par excellence. This allowed this center not to suffer the negative forces of the last 3 European wars. Thus its action remains as pure as possible to the spiritual ears of man.

In Switzerland, the center of action is located at the summit of the Jungfrau (Mountain east of Murren, bordering the canton of Oberland and Valais). It has an action of Peace and Love.

Other Countries:

- In North America: It is located at Mount Shasta in northern California. It is similar to that of Wales, but with a more physical impact. It has a primordial role, that of balancing the subtle plans throughout North America.

In Europe, the subtle plans have often been understood by man in centers such as the Cathedral of Chartres, Paris, etc. including Mont St Michel. "

As probably in the other largest spiritual centers still known to this day on other continents.

"But in North America, the subtle plans were not forged in matter, hence the need for more physical action, for example at Mount Shasta.

- In Latin America: The ancient centers (like Monte Alban, in Mexico) await a new spiritual awakening. But for the moment, only a few relays dealing with nature still exist.

- In Africa: Africa is the most representative continent of the Earth Sphere. There is therefore no center of action strictly speaking. The only existing relays are junctions between the Earth Sphere and Space.

- In Eastern Europe: The concentration of spiritual energy sent to the U.S.S.R. for several years, has contributed, in parallel to a physical opening, to the awakening of the Slavic and Auralian nations, on the subtle levels.

This tremendous momentum is materializing in the form of a center of action located between Russia and China, in Sinkiang. It will be the main center of terrestrial action of the next civilization. It will have the appearance of a gigantic school which will instruct human beings on Cosmic and Spiritual Laws. Then man will finally be ready to follow a current of cosmic thought. Currently, the U.S.S.R. receives bursts of energy so that this center of action is functional in the future."

Thanks to SATANAMA YUGA for the picture.


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