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Neonicotinoids: how since 1995, 75% of invertebrate biomass has been killed

Photo du rédacteur: Olivier ClamaronOlivier Clamaron

Neonicotinoids: how since 1995, 75% of invertebrate biomass has been killed

"Neonics" were first introduced in 1993, in Japan, in certain rice fields. The seeds are coated from their conception with an ultra-powerful insecticide which is absorbed by the whole plant and has an effect throughout its lifespan, 4 months long.

If at first, scientists were surprised by its much higher efficiency, Fishermen and observers of the natural world sounded the alarm in the following 6 months, when after the use of 100KG, an 80km2 lake nearby, was contaminated with certain traditional fish species which suddenly disappeared. It was 30 years ago and yet this class of insecticides has spread all over the planet.

It is a synthetic molecule that was created from tobacco nicotine, known for its insecticidal role. But not only, nowonder there are harmful consequences!

Sthey have been since introduced in the mid-1990s in Europe, then in the USA and the rest of the world, for crops, vines, and even to "protect" certain forests. From the first year of its introduction in France, in 1995, beekeepers alerted manufacturers and public authorities when bee populations fell rapidly, at the first flowering of sunflower fields treated with "neonics".

Manufacturers' reaction has followed the sad pattern, set in the 1960s and 1970s by the tobacco industry, and which today sets the standard for cynicism in the chemical industry.

They argued that species deaths had multifactorial causes, developed "the creation of doubt", funded studies and bribed experts to testify in favor of their products and divert real causes. They favored a "culture of ignorance" to create fatalism, immobility of decision-makers, demobilize the population. The few recalcitrant people in the world of the media or in public control bodies have been harassed and forced to resign.

This study clearly demonstrates the conflicts of interest in health risk assessment bodies and the cynicism of the strategy of chemical producers and their lobbies. The fact is that we face much more than high risks.

If whistleblowers had announced the death of 75% of insects 30 years ago. We would have taken them for madmen, conspirators, according to the term which today is generalized for any whistleblower. Today, all ecosystems are fatally affected, the entire food chain from zooplankton to insects, and the fish and birds that feed on them with more or less slowly fatal neurotoxic effects. Obviously including the insects in charge of more than 80% of the pollination of our fruit and vegetable crops.

Hard to believe that humans, who are at the very end of the food chain, would not be concerned? Since the same period, surprisingly, cases of cognitive and neuronal degeneration, cancers, infertility problems, autism, autoimmune diseases have exploded.

The long-term effects on humans are, in fact, unknown, because these substances remain in the environment for a very long time and above all, insecticides mix with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and accumulate with "cocktail" effects which never have been studied. The authorities apparently do not want to know. Some tests have found up to 20 to 30 chemicals per field.

In 2013, 3 neonics were banned, but in Europe, 130 exemptions were granted to operators. Including some in France in 2018.

A binding regulation at European level has been proposed 30 times and never yet officially adopted. Public tolerances for bee mortality rates have been raised and public studies are often drowned by thousands of page reports funded by the chemical industry.

While there are, however, ancestral natural solutions such as bio-protection with natural predatory species of crop pests.

Above all, one have realized that in more than 95% of cases, the preventive use of neonics was not essential. It just reassures farmers, overburdened by modern pressure, who no longer have the manpower needed to manage the fields as their ancestors did. They have opted for all chemicals since the 1950s and 1960s, intensive crops treated systematically and preventively and all the intermediaries and players are now used to it, interested. The investigation speaks openly of generalized addiction and corruption.

Does it remind you of anything?

This is the world we live in. For 20 years, reflection, regulations have been slowed down to the maximum, only for sales of 3 to 5 billion $ of neonicotinoid insecticides per year. But it is a handful of lucrative agrochemical multinationals, with powerful shareholders, which operate in the same way as pharmaceutical companies. their global turnover reach about 150 billion euros per year in total.

Thanks to Arte for relaying Stéphane Foucart's investigation book "And the world became silent - How agrochemistry destroyed insects "(Éditions du Seuil, 2019),

Too bad though that journalists of Arte, did not have the courage to go to the end of the reasoning. Like Sadhguru, who has traveled the world in recent months to alert public opinion to the danger of the slow death of soils and to the fact that human organisms are deeply interconnected with the environment and function exactly the same way as the living world around them.

How in the country of Claude Bernard could we have fallen into such ignorance of human physiology? Who knows him today, other than by the names of streets and avenues? How many of the new generation who will inherit this world know his work and that of Antoine Béchamp? More than a century ago, however, they already insisted, like Sadhguru, on the primacy of the field. And not just agriculture's one.

As one of the oldest universal laws has always said: "what is above works like what is below and vice versa." The nature in us, the microbiota, and around us works on exactly the same principles. All naturopaths, epigeneticists and scientists, worthy of the name, say exactly the same things:

The human organism is itself one of the most beautiful and complex natural ecosystems. We are home to 50 to 100 trillion bacteria and microorganisms, 10 times more than human cells and neurons. When we have a nutrition, a way of life in harmony, with them, they are benevolent and it is them which contribute in the majority to create the energy which we need and our natural immune system.

They know perfectly well what they need to be balanced and let us know it all the time because they are living organisms that constantly communicate with each other and with us, largely unconsciously, as the connections are so numerous and beyond our control. our main senses.

For many years already, Irene Grosjean, Jacques Antonin, Grégoire Jauvais, Guylaine lanctot, Claire Severac, Jean-Pierre Willem, Tal Schaller, Henri Joyeux, Joel de Rosnay, Thierry Janssen, Idriss Aberkane, Alex Ferrini, Thierry Casasnovas, Sylvere Caron, and others, warn of the serious toxicity of all chemicals and metallic additives on microorganisms which are the pillars of the living world, visible and above all "invisible" and the risks of human degeneration, serious imbalances, often deadly for the endocrine, immune and hormonal systems, which amounts to using at our expense, in reverse, epigenetics principles.

How long will we collectively remain in ignorance, inaction and indifference? How do our leaders intend to replace pollinating insects and birds? What will you say to your children? What you weren't aware of all this ?

An excellent series of reports on Arte Tv in french "Eldorado for chemical agro-industries, Brazil is complacently supplied with pesticides by a Europe which is getting rid of its banned products. A cynicism with disastrous consequences for health, pinned down by a damning investigation."

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