Publication n° 196
I was talking with a client about thyroid disorders today, a subject that I have not experienced but for those who are concerned I recommend the information shared by the naturopath Jean Pierre Willem which is interesting in this regard.
Everyone should be interested in it for our loved ones and understand these mechanisms, those of aging, autoimmune diseases and understand that there are natural care alternatives in case of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto's and Graves Basedow autoimmune diseases.
One in two women are affected, 7 times more than men.
J.P.Willem has written a book and shared 2 publications in this area with explanations on the role of the thyroid, the symptoms of the disorders and natural recommendations to experiment.
He explains the importance of iodine supplementation and the rebalancing role that essential oils,E.O. , homeopathy, gemmotherapy and other minerals such as zinc, copper and Afalg can play. He also recommends some alternative remedies to levothyrox, notably THYREGUL
E.O. essential oils of clove and green myrtle
Macerates of birch (Betula puhescens) and almond (Prunus amygdalus) buds
Iodum 5ch, thyroidea 5ch, Calcarea carbonisa in homeopathy
EO of noble laurel and ladaniferous cistus to neutralize the autoimmune context.
EO Cloves, EO Green myrtle, EO Rockrose in case of Hashimoto's disease.
According to the cases detailed below: Iodum 15 CH, Thyroida 9 CH, Calcarea iodatum, Chromium sulfuricum 7 CH, Lycopus virginicus 7 CH, Iodum 9 or 15 CH, Sulfur 9 or 15 CH, Sulfur iodatum 7 CH.
Macerates of viburnum, hawthorn and dogwood buds.
4 essential oils:
EO Myrrh, Cumin, Garden Marjoram, Small mountain squid
For Graves' disease:
EO Myrrh, Marjoram, Rockrose 25 mg
He also explains below why levothyrox is problematic and how to replace it.
1°) Haro on Levothyrox.
"After Servier's Mediator, which took several years before being discontinued, the head of the Merck lab should be anxious. These thyroid tablets, prescribed to 3 million people in France suffering from this gland located at the front of the neck and which regulates our body, has led to a wave of side effects in some 31,000 patients. This is due to its new recipe changing some of its excipients in order to provide more stability to the product. dizziness, hair loss... The complaints are such that a petition has collected more than 350,000 signatures to demand the old pill.
“This indictment is a new milestone for all the women who have been taken for hysterics. That’s what shocked me the most at the time,” says Anny Duperey, who worked hard to make the voices of people suffering from side effects heard.
“This decision also shows that powerful laboratories are not completely untouchable. »
What was the surprise of the president of “Living Without Thyroid” to discover the indictment of Merck! “I thought that this indictment would take place in 2023,” she exclaims. After the judgment of the Court of Cassation in March, which definitively recognized the lack of information, this is a second piece of good news. Five years is a relatively short time compared to other scandals like the Mediator. » For the spokesperson for the France Victimes federation, bringing together 130 associations, it is “an important step because, beyond proven guilt or not, it already represents a form of recognition of all victims. This will allow us to continue to welcome them, to support them in their legal procedures, but also to assist them from a medical, psychological and social point of view.
The highest court considered that, “when the composition of a medicine changes and this change is not explicitly indicated in the instructions, the manufacturer and the operator may be accused of a lack of information”, which could “ cause moral harm”.
The scandal has, according to the president of Living Without Thyroid, led to an “immense loss of confidence in the authorities”. As for the vice-president of the French Association of Thyroid Patients, she wants the laboratory to also be indicted for "involuntary homicide" and "endangering the lives of others"
“I thought that this indictment would take place in 2023,” she exclaims. After the judgment of the Court of Cassation in March, which definitively recognized the lack of information, this is a second piece of good news. Five years is a relatively short time compared to other scandals like the Mediator. » For the spokesperson for the France Victimes federation, bringing together 130 associations, it is “an important step because, beyond proven guilt or not, it already represents a form of recognition of all victims. This will allow us to continue to welcome them, to support them in their legal procedures, but also to assist them from a medical, psychological and social point of view.
The highest court considered that, “when the composition of a medicine changes and this change is not explicitly indicated in the instructions, the manufacturer and the operator may be accused of a lack of information”, which could “ cause moral harm”.
The scandal has, according to the president of Living Without Thyroid, led to an “immense loss of confidence in the authorities”. As for the vice-president of the French Association of Thyroid Patients, she wants the laboratory to also be indicted for "involuntary homicide" and "endangering the lives of others" and that the National Agency safety of the medicine is sued.
Professor Philippe Léchât, former director of drug evaluation at the ANSM, recognized dysfunctions and specified that “more information would probably have avoided this Levothyrox affair, because professionals could have made the necessary dosage adjustments” .
After the intervention of various judicial authorities, it remains to analyze the realities of this imbroglio.
In my various Newsletters I have talked a lot about the ineffectiveness of this product prescribed to 3 million people, the majority of them women.
Levothyrox becomes as famous as Mediator.
To diagnose dysthyroidism, 4 analyzes are carried out:
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormon) the thyroid hormone which regulates the secretion of two thyroid hormones, namely T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (tetra-iodothyronine).
When the thyroid doesn't make enough hormones, the pituitary produces more TSH to stimulate it. The TSH dosage would be the most sensitive test to confirm the quality of thyroid function. Does the problem of normal TSH dosage eliminate thyroid dysfunction? The interrogation remains the key time of the examination.
There remains ioduria (iodine in urine), this test (not reimbursed by social security) is never requested by endocrinologists and yet this mineral is essential. In the event of an iodine deficiency, the thyroid adapts. In the presence of a severe or prolonged deficiency, the adaptation mechanisms are no longer sufficient and the synthesis of thyroid hormones collapses, which leads to stimulation of TSH and an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland in the form of goiter.
In France, consumption is between 80 and 120 μg per day. Which is insufficient.
In 1950, to eliminate this public health problem (i.e. iodine deficiency), the French state recommended the addition of iodine to commonly consumed salt, i.e. 10 to 15 μg of iodine per gram of salt. . But the counterpart of this industrial salt supplement will generate another social scourge: high blood pressure. We are at the heart of a vicious circle!
Autoimmune diseases
The discovery of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism does not stop with the treatment of this dysthyroidism. This gland can turn into an autoimmune disease. Autoantibodies, responsible for autoimmunity, are directed against the individual's own constituents, which is how hypothyroidism mutates into Hashimoto's disease, hyperthyroidism into Basedow Graves' disease.
Anti-TPO (antithyroperoxidase) autoantibodies. Like anti-thyroid microsome antibodies, they block thyroperoxidase, an enzyme necessary for the production of hormones. They are present at 90% in Hashimoto’s disease. Antithyroglobulin autoantibodies attach to thyroglobulin and prevent its proper functioning. They are present at 70% in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Anti-TSH receptor autoantibodies bind to the cellular receptor for the pituitary hormone responsible for normal glandular stimulation. Taking its place, they activate the receptor and induce abnormally excessive production of hormones (Graves' disease). More rarely, these are autoantibodies “blocking” the receptor. They are then responsible for hypothyroidism, present in 25% of cases. During the disease, the thyroid gland is both the organ of production of these autoantibodies and the target organ which is attacked by them. This is how a surgical thyroidectomy leads to their disappearance but at what cost (replacement treatment = lifelong intake of Levothyrox). Little money here! The T3 hormone, the only active You should know that Levothyrox essentially stimulates the T4 hormone, which is not very active. Only the T3 is.
To make it active and become T3, the presence of different factors (zinc, manganese, selenium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, E) and a good condition of the functional organs (liver, adrenals, intestine and its microbiota) are required. Do not forget to take a tranquilizer, since any thyroid disorder is due to major or repetitive stress. Its nocebo effect With the first formula of Levothyrox, patients already suffered from side effects but had become accustomed to them. It was a sort of mithridatization acquired gradually. But after changing the formula, all the side effects “woke up”, so to speak. This is the “nocebo” effect, unlike the placebo (inactive substance substituted for a medication so as to distinguish the psychological action and the pharmacological action of the latter). Several patients detailed the symptoms they experienced after taking the new formula. Insomnia, muscle pain, dizziness, headaches, neuralgia, joint pain, hair loss, intestinal problems… Inconveniences which have led some patients to return to the old formula of Levothyrox.
As this L. Thyroxine is not effective, patients must increase the dosage to achieve initial effectiveness.
Taking into consideration the suffering endured by 30% of French people (a majority of women) I had to write a book to rectify the situation and restore confidence and a return to better health.
In this book “Thyroid Disorders”. Ed. Dauphin, I give protocols for all dysthyroidisms which include various therapeutic approaches.
The essential product is THYREGUL (2 capsules are enough), a tranquilizer: QUIET-FULL. (Phyt-Inov Lab).
+ Homeopathy, gemmotherapy and essential oils.
The endocrinologists who read this book and applied these formulas were roundly reprimanded and ordered to return to their essential Levothyrox."
2°) natural treatments against hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism:
"The thyroid gland is located at the base of the neck. It plays a determining role in each of our bodily functions. It secretes thyroid hormones which are involved in the proper functioning of various systems essential to our well-being.
Without them, life would be impossible. They play an essential controller and regulator role in the metabolic activity of virtually all tissues in the body.
They ensure brain development in the fetus and young child and bone growth. They stimulate oxygen consumption, help regulate the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. They exert an action on the regulation of the heart rate. They promote the development of nerve cells.
Furthermore, a thyroid gland in good balance is one of the keys to preventing aging.
It is not surprising that the slightest dysfunction of the gland (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism) has numerous repercussions on our health.
Seven women for every man suffer from these dysfunctions. Endocrinologists believe that one in two women has a thyroid problem. The thyroid is sometimes called the “third ovary”, which explains its hormonal impact. The tests are not always conclusive. It is therefore necessary to take into consideration the clinic (study of all the symptoms).
Hypo or hyperthyroidism?
We constantly find this alternative.
Often, the symptoms are poorly identified when it comes to mild hyper or hypothyroidism. They are poorly perceived among older people who are not always diagnosed. Hence the need to consult and carry out examinations to confirm the diagnosis.
As varied as they are, the symptoms accompanying a thyroid disorder do not set in overnight:
Excessive chilliness, menstrual disorders, slowing of the heart, increased cholesterol, onset of diabetes, weight gain, constipation, depression, drop in intellectual faculties for hypothyroidism.
Tremors, nervousness, edema of the lower limbs, weight loss, feeling of heat, accelerated heart rate, sweating for hyperthyroidism.
This litany is not limited to this alternative. The list is rich in the field!
The diagnosis is based on the clinic, the analysis of the pituitary hormone, TSH or thyroid-stimulating hormone which regulates the secretion of two thyroid hormones: tri-iodothyronine or T3 and tetraiodothyronine also called thyroxine or T4, add the iodine level. : ioduria.
When the thyroid doesn't make enough hormones, the pituitary produces more TSH to stimulate it. This ingenious system works in the form of feedback.
The TSH dosage would be the most sensitive test to confirm the quality of thyroid function. Does the problem of normal TSH dosage eliminate thyroid dysfunction? The interrogation remains the key time of the examination.
While hyperthyroidism manifests itself by an acceleration of all biological processes, in hypothyroidism, the entire organism is slowed down: basic metabolism, heat production, heart rate, intestinal transit, fat burning , etc. : iodurie.
When the thyroid doesn't make enough hormones, the pituitary produces more TSH to stimulate it. This ingenious system works in the form of feedback.
The TSH dosage would be the most sensitive test to confirm the quality of thyroid function. Does the problem of normal TSH dosage eliminate thyroid dysfunction? The interrogation remains the key time of the examination.
While hyperthyroidism manifests itself by an acceleration of all biological processes, in hypothyroidism, the entire organism is slowed down: basic metabolism, heat production, heart rate, intestinal transit, fat burning , etc.
The term hypothyroidism brings together a group of syndromes resulting from insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones. There are two forms of hypothyroidism: primary and secondary.
In the first case, thyroid hormone deficiency is due to poor functioning of the thyroid gland itself. Secondary hypothyroidism, for its part, results from damage to the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. We also speak of hypothyroidism of central origin.
There are two forms of hypothyroidism: primary and secondary. In the first case, thyroid hormone deficiency is due to poor functioning of the thyroid gland itself. Secondary hypothyroidism, for its part, results from damage to the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. We also speak of hypothyroidism of central origin.
As in children and adults, elderly people with hypothyroidism may present the typical signs of the disease: chilliness, cold and dry skin, hoarse voice, weight gain despite a lack of appetite, etc. However, the symptoms are often much less marked and sometimes even absent. The diagnosis can thus escape the doctor. In the elderly, hypothyroidism can immediately manifest itself with complications such as heart failure, mental depression or hallucinations. Memory problems, which do not alarm anyone because they are common among the elderly, can be the first sign.
The causes of dysthyroidism
Thyroid disorders occur:
after an emotional shock or repetitive stress,
following hormonal fluctuations (childbirth, menopause)
following an iodine deficiency or excess (hence ioduria)
because of antinutrients
Antinutrients in soybeans
Soybeans, in their natural state, contain phytochemicals that have toxic effects on humans. Soy contains three major antinutrients: phytates, goitrigens and enzyme inhibitors, which generate some positive effects but can also be toxic.
All plants contain antinutrients, to a greater or lesser degree, but soy is particularly rich in toxic phytochemicals so that without adequate preparation (long-term soaking and cooking or fermentation) the seeds of this legume cannot not be consumed by humans.
Certain substances in foods can inhibit the thyroid gland's ability to make its hormones.
Significant quantities of these goitrigens (so named because they can cause goiter formation) are found in raw soybeans (cooked or roasted soybeans, soybean oil and flour).
Genistein found in soy can block thyroid secretions. This would explain why people who consume soy are more prone to Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease. Phytic acid may enhance these effects by binding to zinc and copper, two minerals necessary for the production of thyroid hormones. Soy may slow brain activity.
If you are fond of soy, choose tofu, tempeh, miso, nato.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
General condition: fatigue and difficulty getting started in the morning, sensitivity to cold, weight change, water retention, little sweating, hypoglycemia, puffy face.
Nervous system and brain: mental slowdown, depression, migraine, irritability, nervousness, emotional instability, poor memory and concentration, insomnia, dizziness, brain fog, slow reasoning.
Eyes/ears: blurred vision and hearing problems with dizziness.
Digestion: constipation, difficult digestion, flatulence.
Sexual system: menstrual problems, premenstrual syndrome, heavy or scanty periods, repeated miscarriages, fibrocystic breasts, loss of libido, infertility.
Throat/voice: slow speech, hoarse voice, thick tongue.
Cardiovascular system: brachycardia, palpitations, slow, weak heartbeat.
Immune system: immune weakness, recurrent infections.
Muscle/skeleton: arthralgia, myalgia, lower back pain, slow movements, weakness, muscle cramps and pain, stiff or painful joints, resistant tendonitis.
Appendages: loss of hair and eyebrow tail, dry hair, dry skin, pale lips and skin, adult acne, slow healing, brittle nails.
Natural treatments for hypothyroidism
Quiet full (stress), 2 times 2 capsules.
Thyregul: 2 capsules per day away from meals. Stimulates thyroid hormones. Advantageously replaces Levothyrox (Levothyroxine), also not recommended by AFFSAPS. It acts on T4, a poorly active hormone, which must be converted into T3, active with the contribution of 5 cofactors (which Thyregul contains). At the same time and gradually, reduce Levothyrox.
Orthoflora: to revive the intestinal flora: I capsule in the morning before breakfast. (2 treatments of 3 weeks per quarter).
Afalg: aphanizomenon algae is the most complete food on the planet (115 micronutrients). It fills all the deficiencies and depollutes the body.
2 capsules/2 days, then 2 times 2 capsules for 15 days, then 3 times 2 capsules
You can find these products at the Phyt’Inov Laboratory (on the internet or on 00 41 32 46 68 914).
Essential oils
We have two essential oils:
E.O.of green myrtle: 2 drops of each on support (breadcrumbs, a quarter of a sugar cube). Buy a 5 ml bottle of each.
Birch (Betula puhescens)
Almond tree (Prunus amygdalus)
ID glycerinated macerate buds, 120 ml or 250 ml bottle, 2 times 40 drops + water.
Iodum 5 CH: 2 tubes: 3 granules 2 times a day
Thyroidea 5 CH: 3 granules 2 times a day
Calcarea carbonisa (oyster shell extract): hypothyroidism with goiter, in an obese patient, head sweating, timid, slow; the periods are early and abundant.
Graphites 5 CH: hypothyroidism and presence of myxedema, with obesity in a sad, indecisive, chilly patient.
Autoimmune diseases, immune hyperactivity
Most often, hypothyroidism is due to an attack on the gland by the immune system which mistakenly considers its own tissues as foreign bodies. Following this error of interpretation, it produces autoantibodies to attack its own tissues and destroy them.
Two main autoimmune diseases can be responsible for insufficient thyroid function: Hashimoto's thyroiditis and atrophic myxedema (while Graves Basedow ' disease is an autoimmune hyperthyroidism).
Increasingly common, Hashimoto's thyroiditis mainly affects middle-aged women. The diagnosis is based on the association of a goiter with high levels of antiTPO (antithyroperoxidase and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies). Thyroid hormone and TSH concentrations may be normal. This disease often begins with hyperthyroidism sometimes accompanied by eye problems.
Most often, the TSH is too high and the level of the two thyroid hormones, T3 and T4, is a sign of hypothyroidism. This disease can be associated with other autoimmune diseases (adrenal insufficiency, type I diabetes, vitiligo, alopecia areata). Treatment of Hashimoto's disease To neutralize the autoimmune context, official medicine is ineffective. In natural medicine, we use a complex of nutrients composed of sterols, sterolins (phytosterols), essential oils (EO of Cistus and Noble Laurel, “Immunoregul” 2 capsules 30 minutes before the three meals 1 week then 2 capsules per day for many months).
Essential oils EO
Cloves 25 mg, Green myrtle 25 mg, Ladaniferous cistus 25 mg
Excipient qsp one GR capsule, 60 capsules, 2 capsules per day, for one month, to be renewed.
In addition to treating hypothyroidism, nutritional change is recommended.
Dr. Jean Seignalet's hypotoxic diet can extinguish the autoimmune disease but has no effect when the cells are destroyed (atrophic form).
We must favor raw and organic food. Avoid cereals.
In hyperthyroidism, the thyroid goes into overdrive, everything speeds up.
This is putting the thyroid into overdrive.
This dysfunction noticeably modifies the activity of all metabolisms.
Thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of virtually all organs. When their production is increased, all functions are accelerated.
Hyperthyroidism affects women between the ages of 30 and 50 in more than 80% of cases.
The disease then manifests itself by a more or less significant degree of hyperactivity, often not very productive, character disorders, fatigue with shortness of breath linked to the reduction in muscle mass, a slight tremor of the extremities and, sometimes, an acceleration of the intestinal transit (diarrhea) with intolerance to heat (thermophobia).
At rest, the heart rate is greater than 90 beats per minute. This acceleration of the pulse is sometimes associated with an increase in blood pressure and anarchic contractions of the heart (extrasystoles). These give an unpleasant feeling in the chest. These transient heart rhythm abnormalities can become permanent. Tachycardia is still present. Its absence should make this diagnosis questionable.
Other clinical signs: nervousness (mood swings, insomnia), weight loss despite a good appetite. Genital disorders (spacing of periods), drop in cholesterol.
Graves Basedow disease
The most common variety of hyperthyroidism (1 to 2% of women suffer from it during their lifetime), Graves' disease is of autoimmune origin, that is to say that the patient's immune system produces antibodies directed against its own tissues, in this case constituents of the thyroid gland.
These autoantibodies stimulate the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones and are responsible for the occurrence of hyperthyroidism, but also other abnormalities such as eye disorders and manifestations in the skin and muscles: these autoantibodies Antibodies also attack the tissues behind the eyes as well as the skin or leg muscles. The only antibody measured routinely is the “anti-TSH receptor” antibody or TRAK.
During the disease, the thyroid gland is both the organ of production of these antibodies and the target organ, which is attacked by these antibodies. This explains why a surgical thyroidectomy causes a disappearance of these antibodies, but therefore hypothyroidism must be treated. It should be noted that Graves' disease can be associated with other autoimmune diseases such as insulin-dependent diabetes.
Alternative treatments for hyperthyroidism
Lifelong hormone replacement therapy, ablation of the thyroid gland or irradiation, classic medical protocols are not perfect. Side effects abound. Chemical therapies do not take into account the specificity of each person, the terrain, or related pathologies.
Although natural treatments cannot completely replace them, they do, however, make it possible to better support the disturbances in this gland, which is essential to our metabolism.
Iodum 15 CH + Thyroida 9 CH: 3 granules of each, twice a day.
Calcarea iodatum: hyperthyroidism with significant cervical lymphadenopathy.
Chromium sulfuricum 7 CH, thyroid hypertrophy, tachycardia, exophthalmos, muscle and nerve weakness.
Lycopus virginicus 7 CH, painful exophthalmos, significant tachycardia (heart pain) with irregular heart that beats hard, tendency to diarrhea and hemorrhoids.
Iodum 9 or 15 CH, does not stay still, is always hot, anxious and irritable if he does not eat, voracious hunger with considerable weight loss, exophthalmos, palpitations, diarrhea.
Sulfur 9 or 15 CH, subject fearing the heat, oppressed, must open the windows, seeks coolness in the bed, sweating a lot (bad smell), with palpitations at night.
Sulfur iodatum 7 CH, thermophobia (fears heat), accelerated metabolism (hyperthyroidism), weight loss, asthenia, lymphadenopathy.
ID glycerinated macerate buds (125 ml or 250 ml bottles):
Viburnum (Viburnum lantana) which acts on the diencephalothyroid axis (Basedow, hyperthyroidism): 50 drops + water, in the morning.
Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) is a central nervous system sedative. It balances the vago-sympathetic system. Its action is exerted in tachycardia, arrhythmia, palpitations, extrasystoles: 50 drops + water, at midday.
Blood dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) acts at the glandular level. It is indicated in hyperthyroidism, in the appearance of euthythyroid goiter and phenomena of dysendocrinia: 50 drops + water, in the evening.
Essential oils
We have 4 essential oils:
Myrrh, Cumin meadows, Marjoram of the gardens, Small mountain squid
Buy a 10 ml bottle. Put 3 drops of the mixture on a support (lactose tablet, a quarter of a sugar cube or in a teaspoon of olive oil) before meals.
Basedow graves' disease
Add Immunorégul (2 capsules 30 minutes before three meals for a week, then 3 times 1 capsule for many months).
Oral essential oils:
Myrrh 25 mg, Garden Marjoram 25 mg
Cistus ladanifera 25 mg
Excipient qsp 1 capsule GR, 60 capsules, 2 times 1 capsule for one month.
To be renewed regularly + treatment of hyperthyroidism.
For more information on these diseases, read my book “Thyroid pathologies”, Ed. du Dauphin."
Thanks to Jean Pierre Willem. I recommend everyone to connect to his blog which is a mine of beneficial information. and good luck to all those affected by these health problems.
I have also just referenced these two shares here to keep a copy of this information which is essential. Since last summer, I have already noticed that two of the most informative blogs that I consulted on a daily basis have closed.
#women #mujeres #donne #frauen #mulheres #Levothyrox #nature #natural #aging #selfcare #wellness #healthy #naturelovers
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