Olivier Clamaron12 août 20224 min de lectureSequana, goddesses, lioness portal, spirituality, reconnection and synchronicities.Hello I hope you're doing well. A small moment of grace and connection, yesterday afternoon, which I am happy to share with you. For the...
Olivier Clamaron12 août 20224 min de lectureLonk-teih will always be Lonk-teih! the island of the White Lady, the keltiskr roots of Paris A historical-esoteric publication today, with exciting information, which if accurate, will awaken our collective memory. And complete...
Olivier Clamaron2 juil. 20221 min de lectureKeltic proudness, real roots and history, universal spiritualityThe more time goes by, the more I am proud to wear this Gallic-kelt torque and this sports outfit even if it is only symbolic. A day...
Olivier Clamaron2 juil. 20222 min de lectureFierté celte, identité, racines keltiskr, histoire véritablePlus le temps passe, plus je suis fier de porter ce torque kelte gaulois et cette tenue de sport même si elle n’est que symbolique. Un...