Start of Aquarius era prophecies and alchemic phase of nigredo
Eclipses, Celtic Beltane celebrations, Full moon of May
Hommage et gratitude à Dolores Cannon et à Julia Cannon qui continue ici et maintenant avec nous.
It is high time to listen and be inspired by the Toltec and Hopi wisdoms
Il est grand temps d'écouter et de nous inspirer des sagesses amérindiennes Hopi et Toltèque
Spirulina, chlorella, Afa from Klamath lake, 3 powerful gifts from nature
Mount Shasta, Gaia Chakras, relay points and other "sacred" centers of energetic action in America
natural recommendations in aromatherapy against long covid, covid, flue, parkinson, alzheimer ...
blood detox protocol, prevention, regeneration
Philosophies and wisdom of the past and today
Sequana, goddesses, lioness portal, spirituality, reconnection and synchronicities.
Lonk-teih will always be Lonk-teih! the island of the White Lady, the keltiskr roots of Paris
Ayurvedic therapy of "Marmas" massage, doshas & essential oils
Remèdes naturels contre l' arthrose, inflammation, ostéoporose, cortisol Dr Jean-Pierre Willem
more than 50 naturopathic recommendations by Dr JP Willem : essential oils, complements, homeopathy
how to strengthen your natural immunity with healthy nutrition, fibers, probiotics, vitamin D
Neonicotinoids: how since 1995, 75% of invertebrate biomass has been killed
The therapeutical benefits of MSM sulfur and NAC Glutathion by Tal Schaller and Andreas Moritz
How to cleanse your liver and gallbladder using the ANDREAS MORITZ Protocol
the nutritional and therapeutical benefits of unrefined organic sea salt by Andreas Moritz