Salt lamps, unrefined salt, sea water, "marine plasma", distilled ionized water
Lampes à sels, sel non raffiné, eau distillée ionisée, eau de Quinton-plasma marin"
Happy celebrations of Yule, happy new solar year to you all !
Blog post n°93- FENG SHUI-LOSHU et pouvoirs des couleurs
Blue pearl -"Poem to Gaia" by Serge-Reiver Nazare
"Hommage à Gaia" par Serge-Reiver Nazare
"Le chemin de l'être au delà des religions" par Marc Luykx
"The Way to the Being beyond religions" by Marc Luykx
Ode to Love by Jalal Al-Din Rumi : the universal path to Cosmic and Inner Divine.
Ode à l'Amour de Jalal al-Din Rumi. La Voie vers le Divin cosmique et intérieur
Nigredo, déesses et vierges noires, Sarpanitu/Renenutet, Isis-Aset et Nephtys
Mount Shasta, Gaia Chakras, relay points and other "sacred" centers of energetic action in America
how to prepare and the benefits of the gold of ayurveda : ghee
natural recommendations in aromatherapy against long covid, covid, flue, parkinson, alzheimer ...
blood detox protocol, prevention, regeneration
Philosophies and wisdom of the past and today
Sequana, goddesses, lioness portal, spirituality, reconnection and synchronicities.
Lonk-teih will always be Lonk-teih! the island of the White Lady, the keltiskr roots of Paris
Neuronal & naturopathic healing of inflammatory crisis due to cortisol - fear & stress hormone